Research on digital nudging has become increasingly popular in the information systems (IS) community. In this paper, we overview the current progress of, critically reflect on, and discuss further research on digital nudging in IS. To do so, we reviewed the literature and interviewed Markus Weinmann from Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University, one of the first scholars who introduced digital nudging to the IS community, and Alexey Voinov, Director of the Centre on Persuasive Systems for Wise Adaptive Living at University of Technology Sydney. We uncovered a gap between what we know about what constitutes digital nudging and how we can actually put consequent requirements into practice. In this context, the original nudging concept bears inherent challenges about, for example, the focus on individuals’ welfare, which, thus, also apply to digital nudging. Moreover, we need to better understand how nudging in digital choice environments differs from that in the offline world. To further distinguish itself from other fields that already tested various nudges in many different domains, digital nudging research in IS may benefit from a design science perspective in order to go beyond testing effectiveness and provide specific design principles for the different types of digital nudges.
Recommended Citation
Meske, C., & Amojo, I. (2020). Status Quo, Critical Reflection, and the Road Ahead of Digital Nudging in Information Systems Research: A Discussion with Markus Weinmann and Alexey Voinov. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 46, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.04617
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