The Association for Information Systems (AIS) is the preeminent global professional association for academics in the Information Systems (IS) discipline. Throughout its more than 20-year history, AIS governance documents have included no guidance on matters related to national or international politics. However, recent events have challenged AIS to reconsider its responsibility as a political or moral advocate for its members and the discipline it serves. A panel at ECIS 2017 explored the ways in which AIS has inadvertently or intentionally entered the political fray and debated the benefits and drawbacks of taking on a more formal political position. This paper presents the positions that each panelist raised and summarizes the active discussion that followed. It concludes with a set of questions that constitute a “call to action” to the AIS council to enact a politically acceptable set of core values to benefit its members.
Recommended Citation
Fedorowicz, J., Bjørn-Andersen, N., Olbrich, S., Tarafdar, M., & Te'eni, D. (2019). Politics and AIS: Where Do We Draw the Line?. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 44, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.04416
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