Business intelligence (BI) combined with business analytics (BA) is an increasingly prominent strategic objective for many organizations. As a pedagogical subject, BI/BA is still in its infancy, and, in order for this to mature, we need to develop an undergraduate model BI/BA curriculum. BI/BA as an academic domain is emerging as a hybrid of disciplines, including information systems, statistics, management science, artificial intelligence, computer science, and business practice/theory. Based on IS 2010’s model curriculum constructs (Topi et al., 2010), we explore two curricular options: a BI/BA concentration in a typical IS major and a comprehensive, integrated BI/BA undergraduate major. In support, we present evidence of industry need for BI/BA, review the current state of BI/BA education, and compare anticipated requirements for BI/BA curricula with the IS 2010 model curriculum. For this initial phase of curricular design, we postulate a preliminary set of knowledge areas relevant for BI/BA pedagogy in a multi-disciplinary framework. Then we discuss avenues for integrating these knowledge areas to develop professionally prepared BI/BA specializations at the undergraduate level. We also examine implications for both AACSB and ABET accreditation and describe the next phase of applying the IS 2010 concept structure to BI/BA curriculum development.
Recommended Citation
Mitri, M., & Palocsay, S. (2015). Toward a Model Undergraduate Curriculum for the Emerging Business Intelligence and Analytics Discipline. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 37, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.03731
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