The IT world is going through rapid and drastic changes with the emergence of new business models and, with them, the changing of internal and external organizational boundaries. A recent CIO roundtable composed of the CIOs of some of the leading corporations in Greater Detroit discussed the impact of these shifting boundaries on IT issues including outsourcing, careers, and employee development. Contemporary IT depends on external vendors, yet these relationships can be complicated. Employees are increasingly mobile, and the skillsets that firms demand are changing significantly. The panelists suggested that firms should focus on developing and engaging employees despite the risks of turnover.
Recommended Citation
Gefen, D., Ragowsky, A., Miller, J., Licker, P., & Stern, M. (2015). The Center Cannot Hold: How Leading Firms are Managing the Changing IT Boundaries. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 36, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.03633
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