Determinants of Corporate Web Services Adoption: A Survey of Companies in Korea
Daekil Kim and Lorne Olfman
Overview and Guidance on Agile Development in Large Organizations
Jordan B. Barlow, Justin Scott Giboney, Mark Jeffrey Keith, David W. Wilson, Ryan M. Schuetzler, Paul Benjamin Lowry, and Anthony Vance
The Green IT Readiness (G-Readiness) of Organizations: An Exploratory Analysis of a Construct and Instrument
Alemayehu Molla, Vanessa Cooper, and Siddhi Pittayachawan
Video Game Design in the MBA Curriculum: An Experiential Learning Approach for Teaching Design Thinking
James Gaskin and Nicholas Berente
What Determines Interest in an IS Career? An Application of the Theory of Reasoned Action
K.D. Joshi and Kristine Kuhn
Issues and Guidelines in Modeling Decomposition of Minimum Participation in Entity-Relationship Diagrams
Cecil Chua and Veda C. Storey
Gray Market for Information Technology (IT) Products: Status, Implications, and Strategies to Address the IT Gray Market Threat
Naveen Gudigantala and Pelin Bicen
Critical Issues of IT Outsourcing Vendors in India
Shailendra C. Palvia, Prashant Palvia, Weidong Xia, and Ruth C. King
The Commoditization of IT: Evidence from a Longitudinal Text Mining Study
Sangno Lee, Jaeki Song, Jeff Baker, Youngjin Kim, and James C. Wetherbe
Can Extended Exposure to New Technology Undermine Its Acceptance? Evidence from System Trials of an Enterprise Implementation
Monica Adya and Maureen Francis Mascha
Exploring the Interplay Between FLOSS Adoption and Organizational Innovation
Paolo Spagnoletti and Tommaso Federici
Information Systems for Disability Determination: A Multi-Stakeholder Assessment of Electronic Medical Evidence Needs and Processes
Sue S. Feldman, Thomas A. Horan, Fadi Al-Buhairan, Nicole Lytle-Kosola, and Bengisu Tulu
Exploring Market Dispersion and Factors that Predict Auction Success of a Commodity: The Case of Three E-Auction Markets
Achita (Mi) Muthitacharoen, Cindy Claycomb, and Jodi Pelkowski
Antecedents and Catalysts for Developing a Healthcare Analytic Capability
Biswadip Ghosh and Judy E. Scott
Business Architectures in the Public Sector: Experiences from Practice
Harry Bouwman, Harrie van Houtum, Marijn Janssen, and Gerrit Versteeg
Pulling the Plug: When to Call It a Day on Research Projects
Thomas O. Meservy and Fred Niederman
Nonadopters of Online Social Network Services: Is It Easy to Have Fun Yet?
Tao Hu, Robin S. Poston, and William J. Kettinger
Assessing Researcher Publication Productivity in the Leading Information Systems Journals: A 2005–2009 Update
Jan Guynes Clark, Yoris A. Au, Diane B. Walz, and John Warren
Maturity Models in Information Systems Research: Literature Search and Analysis
Jens Poeppelbuss, Björn Niehaves, Alexander Simons, and Jörg Becker
Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Information Systems for Law Enforcement—A Long-Term Design-Science Research Project
Siddharth Kaza, Paul Jen-Hwa Hu, Han-Fen Hu, and Hsinchun Chen
Mobile Applications Development on Apple and Google Platforms
Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn and Debra Howcroft
Occupational Cultures of Information Systems Personnel and Managerial Personnel: Potential Conflicts
V. Srinivasan Rao and Sriraman Ramachandran
Information Systems Skills Differences Between High-Wage and Low-Wage Regions: Implications for Global Sourcing
Kate Kaiser, Tim Goles, Stephen Hawk, Judith C. Simon, and Keith Frampton
Leadership in the Face of Technological Discontinuities: The Transformation of EarthColor
Ritu Agarwal, Steven L. Johnson, and Henry C. Lucas
Creating IT Shared Services
James D. McKeen and Heather A. Smith
IS Pedagogy and Teaching Cases
Colorado Benefits Management System (C): Seven Years of Failure
Cindi Fukami and Donald J. McCubbrey
Prosper—The eBay for Money in Lending 2.0
Hui Wang and Martina E. Greiner
Greenway Medical Technologies: The Pace-Setting David of Electronic Health Records
Jennifer L. Claggett, Richard T. Watson, and Marie-Claude Boudreau
Toys Become Tools: From Virtual Worlds to Real Commerce
Sascha Vitzthum, Abhishek Kathuria, and Benn Konsynski
Enter the Dragon: Khillwar’s Foray into the Mobile Gaming Market of China
Indranil Bose and Xinwei Yang
Panel Reports
Mutual Informing Between IS Academia and Practice: Insights from KIWISR-5
Arto Lanamäki, Karen Stendal, and Devinder Thapa
The Current State of Business Intelligence in Academia
Barbara Wixom, Thilini Ariyachandra, Michael Goul, Paul Gray, Uday Kulkarni, and Gloria Phillips-Wren
AMCIS 2010 Panel Report: External Benchmarks in Information Systems Program Assessment
Carolyn M. Jacobson, George M. Kasper, Richard G. Mathieu, Daniel J. McFarland, and Rayman D. Meservy
Twitter, Google, iPhone/iPad, and Facebook (TGIF) and Smart Technology Environments: How Well Do Educators Communicate with Students via TGIF?
J.P. Shim, Sasha Dekleva, Chengqi Guo, and Daniel Mittleman