This panel report discussed three different ways that IT Services Management (ITSM) can be infused into the curriculum of university programs. One aspect of the panel focused on noncourse-specific means of infusing ITSM in a MSIS program, while another looked at a basic course in ITSM in the MSIS program. A final aspect described entire degree programs in ITSM and curricular support for them. Though this panel focused primarily on graduate programs, the lessons in some cases are applicable to undergraduate programs as well.
Recommended Citation
Urbaczewski, A., Venkataraman, R., & Kontogiorgis, P. (2011). IT Services Management in the Curriculum: Challenges, Realizations, and Lessons Learned. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 28, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.02805
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