By focusing on those companies that currently partner with Northeastern University’s College of Business Administration, this article provides an exploratory empirical study that examines employer expectations of undergraduate business school co-op students and graduates. My particular concern in this research is what IT competencies are valued by employers when evaluating students for initial co-op engagements and subsequent full-time employment assignments. I then consider the bearing of these findings on MIS curricular design and the associated classroom experience. Drawing upon a detailed survey of 111 employers of Northeastern University undergraduate business school students and subsequently on focus groups with representative employers from the study population, I have identified a clear pattern of current and anticipated expectations that suggest the need to rethink the current approach to classroom MIS content and delivery—both within MIS courses and throughout the typical business school curriculum.
Recommended Citation
Kesner, R. M. (2008). Business School Undergraduate Information Management Competencies: A Study of Employer Expectations and Associated Curricular Recommendations. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 23, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.02335
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