Communications of the Association for Information Systems


This paper outlines and further specifies the key points articulated in an IS Model Curriculum panel presentation at the Americas Conference for Information Systems (AMCIS) 2008. This presentation centered on the major changes to the IS Model Curriculum that is currently being proposed by the joint Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Association for Information Systems (AIS) task force. The goal of this task force is to provide the first major revision of the IS model curriculum since IS ’97. The major modifications to the IS Model Curriculum involve: 1) reaching beyond the business school to include programs housed in other parts of the university (e.g., health informatics); 2) revising the outcome expectations for the IS graduates and proposing subsequent changes to the curriculum topics; 3) revising the curriculum structure by separating the curriculum core from the elective topics; and 4) involving and making relevant the model curriculum to the global IS community. Also, this paper summarizes the key components to the restructuring of the IS Model Curriculum: high-level organizational needs for IS capabilities and graduate knowledge and skills. Finally, future steps in the curriculum revision process are discussed.





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