Communications of the Association for Information Systems


Over the past decade, several industries have considered RFID technology for improving supply chain efficiency. The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) initiated and sponsored a number of RFID trials between 2003 and 2006. METI selected the Japanese publishing industry, one of the largest publishing industries in the world, for an early item-level RFID trial geared to increasing industry profitability. This paper uses case study methodology to examine the 2006 METI RFID trial in the Japanese publishing industry. It reports on the trial results and on their implications. The study derives some insights concerning trial composition and the feasibility and efficiency of item-level RFID from the sub-trials. Setting the 2006 METI RFID trial into a broader perspective, the paper concludes with a summary, some lessons learned, and an outlook on future research.





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