A data storage grid (DSG) is under development for a federation of clinical sites to provide a cost-effective backup and recovery solution for their clinical images. Geographic separation provides fault-tolerance against localized disasters. Pooling of storage resources across organizations utilizes economies of scale associated with storage area networks. However, the control and administration of a DSG is now spread across multiple organizations increasing the complexity of deployment. Socio-technical issues specific to a DSG arise as there are now multiple stakeholders linked together in a network of new relationships. Agreement upon every relationship is necessary to determine service level agreements, security, and liability such as in the event of a security breach. Implications of socio-technical networks and stakeholder analysis on the operators, rather than the users, of an interorganizational DSG are discussed.
Recommended Citation
King, N. E. (2008). Information Systems and Healthcare XVII: Operational Stakeholder Relationships in the Deployment of a Data Storage Grid for Clinical Image Backup and Recovery. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 23, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.02301
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