Empathy plays a central role in human behavior and is a key aspect of social functioning. The extensive research on the empathy construct in fields such as psychology, social work, and education has revealed many positive aspects of empathy. Through the use of cluster analysis, this research takes a new approach to reviewing the literature on empathy and objectively identifies groups of empathy research. Next, this study relates the information systems (IS) discipline’s focus on empathy research through the projection of IS empathy paragraphs into those clusters, and identifies areas of empathy research that are currently being largely overlooked by the IS field. The use of cluster analysis and projection for conducting a literature review provides researchers with a more objective approach for reviewing relevant literature.
Recommended Citation
Miaskiewicz, T., & Monarchi, D. E. (2008). A Review of the Literature on the Empathy Construct Using Cluster Analysis. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 22, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.02207
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