This paper focuses on Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) adoption in healthcare organisations. EAI has emerged to support organisations overcoming their integration problems, and it has been adopted by many sectors. Despite its importance, the healthcare sector develops EAI solutions at a slower pace and can be characterised as a laggard compared to other sectors. The small number of EAI applications in healthcare has resulted in limited research in this area, with many issues requiring further investigation. The normative literature analyses the factors that influence EAI adoption in healthcare but it has not yet explored the role of actors during the adoption process. This paper makes a step forward and contributes to the body of knowledge as it: (a) highlights the role of healthcare actors and attitudes towards EAI adoption; (b) introduces an actor-oriented approach; (c) identifies those actors involved in this process; and (d) combines the actor-oriented approach with the factors influencing EAI adoption. The authors believe that such an approach is significant and novel as it: (a) enhances existing EAI adoption models by incorporating an actor-oriented analysis; and (b) facilitates healthcare organisations in making robust decisions for EAI adoption. The authors discuss the application of their approach through a hospital case study. While a single case study alone cannot be proof, the engagement of the actors was encouraging.
Recommended Citation
Mantzana, V., Themistocleous, M., Irani, Z., & Khoumbati, K. (2008). Information Systems and Healthcare XXV: Factors and Actors Affecting the EAI Adoption in the Healthcare Sector. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 22, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.02206
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