Service-centric computing is one of the new IT paradigms that are transforming the way corporations organize their information resources. However, research and teaching activities in the IS community are lagging behind the recent advances in the corporate world. This paper investigates the impact of service-centric computing on business and education. We first examine the transformative impacts of service-centric computing on business and education in the foreseeable future. Then, we discuss opportunities and challenges in new research directions and instructional innovations with respect to service-centric computing. We believe that this article will serve as a good starting point for our IS colleagues to explore this exciting and emerging area of research and teaching.
Recommended Citation
Zhao, J. L., Goul, M., Purao, S., Vitharana, P., & Wang, H. J. (2008). Impact of Service-Centric Computing on Business and Education. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 22, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.02216
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