This paper examines the background and development of academic information systems as a field of teaching and research in universities in New Zealand, from its roots in the late 1970s until the present time. Interviews were held with key informants within the information systems departments in every university in the country, as well as one polytechnic institution which has recently applied for university status. Based on the interview data along with other data drawn from the universities' Web sites and elsewhere, as well as the personal knowledge of the authors, individual case studies of each institution were prepared and validated by the key informants. The paper begins with an overview analysis of the current situation and recent past, with a special emphasis on the student enrolment issue. The information systems discipline is reviewed across the nine institutions through a detailed cross-case analysis including a number of summary tables comparing various statistics across all New Zealand institutions. The cross-case analysis addresses issues such as the role of international students in IS, the comparative location of IS in the various institutions, and the overall "nature" of IS across the country. The results of this study and analysis provide a unique perspective on the past, present, and future of academic information systems in New Zealand.
Recommended Citation
Lehmann, H., & Huff, S. (2007). The Information Systems Academic Discipline in New Zealand. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 21, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.02105
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