Every year, the Dutch Minister of Health promises that by the following year, all citizens in the Netherlands will have an Electronic Health Record (EHR). Until now this promise has not been met. One of the main requirements for realizing a national EHR is an interoperability framework, agreeable to the government, vendors and users. This paper first studies the demand side using the results of twenty two interviews with physicians, asking them about their core processes and their expected value of an EHR. This provides us with the adoption perspective on the EHR market. Next we look at the current EHR market, investigating the suppliers and their achievements and market share. Finally we take a look at the government side with an overview of the interoperability requirements dictated by the national IT-agenda for healthcare. The contribution of this paper is twofold: o First, our main conclusion is that success in the EHR market in the Netherlands is not yet motivated by interoperability requirements. o Second, from a detailed analysis on micro level the following result stands out: A majority of the end users (demand side) do not get support in their relevant working processes.
Recommended Citation
Spil, T., Katsma, C., & Stegwee, R. (2007). Information Systems and Healthcare XXIII: Exploring Interoperability of Electronic Healthcare Records by Studying Demand and Supply in the Netherlands. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 20, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.02059
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