This paper presents a model of the drivers of e-government maturity. We differentiate "maturity" from "readiness" on the basis that the former refers to demonstrated behavior, while the latter provides an idea of a country's potential to achieve e-government, and argue that maturity is a more accurate measure of a country's realized progress. We investigate the prevalence of affluent countries in many e-government rankings using a model where the relationship between GDP and e-government maturity is mediated by ICT infrastructure, human capital, and governance. Using data from authoritative sources, we find that most of the positive influence of GDP on e-government maturity occurs through ICT infrastructure. More mature e-government, however, does not necessarily reflect better governance; in fact our data show a weak but significant negative relationship between e-government maturity and the quality of governance. We suggest plausible explanations for these findings and how the future evolution of e-government might change the observed relationships.
Recommended Citation
Singh, H., Das, A., & Joseph, D. (2007). Country-Level Determinants of E-Government Maturity. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 20, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.02040
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