Facing a world of ubiquitous networks and universal devices, a world in which users can access networks at any time from any place using a range of devices to invoke unique and personalized services, it is time for IS researchers to take a new look at past, current, and future information needs. This article elaborates and extends several concepts that lay the foundation for thinking about next-generation information requirements. Specifically, four information drivers are identified that form the underlying cornerstones of our ideas. These drivers, which we call the u-constructs, euphonically comprise ubiquity, uniqueness, universality, and unison.
Recommended Citation
Junglas, I., & Watson, R. (2006). The U-Constructs: Four Information Drives. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 17, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.01726
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