This paper proposes and merges an extension of technology acceptance model with ideas from human development research targeting least developed countries. Specifically, the paper proposes an extension of the influence of perceived user resource, which in turn was developed from the original TAM literature. It is also tied to the Information Technology literature about socio-economic development. Our objective is to shed light on the interactions between socio-economic development needs and factors generally innate to sub-Sahara Africa and other developing countries that impede sustainable technological adoption and diffusion. We argue that developing countries lag in adopting 'foreign technologies'. We offer diagnostics and prescriptions for how to effect a sustainable technological adoption to support socio-economic development across Sub-Saharan Africa. This article should bring into focus this and other developing regions that are almost non-existent in mainstream information systems research.
Recommended Citation
Musa, P., Meso, P., & Mbarika, V. (2005). Toward Sustainable Adoption of Technologies for Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Precursors, Diagnostics, and Prescriptions. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 15, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.01533
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