This paper summarizes the results of a panel on how database content is covered in current university programs, with reference to the IS2002 model curriculum. Panelists included information systems (IS) faculty members who are actively involved in determining the coverage of database content at their institutions and in establishing academy-wide database content and technology resources. Topics included positioning database content in the overall curriculum, sequencing of content within the database course(s), and summary suggestions for tailoring database coverage at colleges and universities.
Recommended Citation
Vician, C., with., Garfield, M., Hoffer, J., Prescott, M., Rollier, B., Strong, D., & Elder, K. (2004). The AMCIS 2003 Panels of IS Education-II: The Chicken and the Egg Debate: Positioning Database Content in the Information Systems Curriculum. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 14, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.01407
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