Faculty members are challenged with staying abreast of business intelligence and teaching the topic in relevant ways. The latest enhancement to the Teradata University Network (www.TeradataUniversityNetwork.com) is the addition of business intelligence software The website now offers MicroStrategy 7i, an interactive environment for business reporting and analysis and several MicroStrategy analytic modules that focus on analysis for specific business processes. The new software is available for hands-on use by faculty and students. This tutorial describes these business intelligence resources and provides several ways in which the resources can be used to create effective classroom experiences. The resources are available to all faculty and students at no cost by registering with the Teradata University Network.
Recommended Citation
Wixom, B. (2004). Business Intelligence Software for the Classroom: MicroStrategy Resources on the Teradata University Network. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 14, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.01412
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