Submissions from 1997
A Process Model of Initial Representation Formation: Building Intelligent Agents for Problem Structuring, Dolphy Abraham
An Exploratory Investigation Of The InternetInvolvement: Instrument Development, MeasurementAnd Implications For Electronic Commerce, Salam A.F, Pegels C.C, and H.R Rao
Tradeoff Decisions in the Design of a Backbone Network Using Visualization, Kemal Altinkemer, Indranil Bose, and Alok Chaturvedi
Developing Sustained Competitive Advantage: Business Process Reengineering versus Management of Information as a Resource, Paul J. Ambrose and Arkalgud Ramprasad
Computers in the Examining Room: Evaluating the Social Impact on Practice Patterns, James G. Anderson and Hui-Ching Weng
Accountants and Time Pressure: The Materiality Decision, Vicky Arnold, Stephen C. Hayne, Steve Sutton, and C.A.P. Smith
Perceptions Over Time Related to Meeting Procedures in Partially Distributed Groups, Kregg Aytes, Kelly Burke, and Jeff Johnson
Operational Definitions in Management Information Systems Theory Building, Timothy G. Babbitt
Role of Industrial Automation in BPR, Vernon W. Bachor
An Intelligent Agent-Based Framework for Knowledge Managementon The Web:An Exploratory Study of A Virtual Team in Designing A Multimedia System, Seung Ik Baek, Jay Liebowitz, and Srinivas Y. Prasad
The Intelligent Agent-Based Knowledge Management System for Supporting Multimedia Systems Design on The Web, Seung Ik Baek, Jay Liebowitz, Srinivas Y. Prasad, and Mary J. Granger
An Investigation of the Adoption of Disaster Recovery Planning by Health Maintenance Organizations, Kakoli Bandyopdhyay
Web-Based Tools for Team-Based Development, Judith Barlow
A Cause Map Approach to Exploring MIS Benefits, Stuart Barnes and Jeff Locket
Simulating Electronic Commerce:A Game Environment Utilizing Software and Human Agents, John P. Baron
Software Project Management: The Relationships Among Effort, Change and Time,or A First Attempt at Preventing Scope Creep, Evelyn Barry, Tridas Mukhopadhyay, and Sandra A. Slaughter
Management Support of The Team Assignment Process, Shirley Becker
Integrating Logistic Regression with Knowledge Discovery Systems, D.J Berndt and R.K Satterfield
The Global Village: A Three Continent Evaluation, Ronald Berry and John Rettenmayer
A Managerial Decision Support System for Client/Server Computer Network Configuration: A Performance and Resource Utilization Approach, Sudip Bhattacharjee, Salman A.F, and H.R Rao
Rethinking the Role of Information Systemsin a Changing Age: An Exploration, Ganesh Datt Bhatt and Nikunj P. Dalal
The Effect Of Analytical Thought On Ethical Issues in the Information Systems Discipline, Byrne B.K and Wood-Harper A.T
An Approach to Transformational Reengineering of SSADM Application Specifications to Object-Oriented Specifications, Narasimha Bolloju
On Problems and Issues in Discovery of Multi-Aggregations of Classification Problem-Solving Knowledge from Multiple Decision Makers, Narasimha Bolloju
Competing Virtual Monies, Roman Brandtweiner
Understanding the Way Students Work: Unobtrusive Measures and the Effect of Effort on Performance, Carl M. Briggs
Directed Brainstorming: A GSS Technique for Collaborative Crisis Response, Robert O. Briggs and Daniel D. Mittleman
Collaborative Molecules: A Component-Based Architecture for GSS, Robert O. Briggs, Daniel D. Mittleman, and E. Santanen
Theory Development Explaining Consumer Adoption of Electronic Commerce, Kathryn Brohinan
Representing User Requirements:An Empirical Investigation of Formality in Modeling Tools, Glenn J. Browne, Ramesh V., Mitzi G. Pitts, and Michael B. Rogich
The Year 2000 Problem: An Ethical View, James J. Cappel and Leon A. Kappelman
A Causal Model of Individual Decision Making Under Time Pressure, Smith C.A.P. and Robert O. Briggs
Building Student Teams: A Self-Managed Work Team (SMWT) Cooperative Learning Model, Carl J. Case
The World-Wide Web's Shadow of Opportunity: A Heideggerian Perspective of Authenticity in the Information Age, Kimberly Cass
An Experimental Expert System For Award Implementation, Chirathamjaree C Dr and Hong-Cheu Liu
Three Instructional Principles Applied To Computer-Based Learning (CBL)In Subjects With Large Enrolments, Vanessa Chang and John Palmer
Supporting End-Users' Non-Consistent Views for Decision Support Applications, David Chao and Robert C. Nickerson
Broadband Residential Multimedia Systems as a Training and Learning Tool, Samir Chatterjee and Lei Jin
An Economic Model for Microrenting in Electronic Commerce, Alok Chaturvedi, Vidyanand Choudhary, and Kerem Tomak
The Impact of Breakdowns on the Decision to Consolidate or Cluster Computers, Hsing Kenneth Cheng
Group Support Systems and the Speech Act Theory, Kung-E Cheng and Ajaz R. Rana
Flexible Database Systems for Rapid Query Processing in a Dynamic and Uncertain Query Environment, Nai-Kuang Andrew Chen
Influential Roles of IT in a Frequency-Based Work-Centered Analysis, QM Chen, C.R. Mount, and T. Warren Liao
Information Systems Knowledge Repository:A Structure for Electronic Scholarship, Y.S Chen, B. Ives, and D. Leleux
A Genetic Programming Approach for Distributed Queries, Karen S.K Cheung and Nabil Kamel
A Temporal Expert System for Engineering Design Change Workflow, Susan J. Chinn and Gregory R. Madey
Integrating Information Systems into the World Wide Web, Chao-Min Chiu and Michael Bieber
Classification of IT Investment: A Resource-Based Perspective, Haiwook Choi
Interdependence in IS Development Projects: A Model and Conceptual Overview, Ta-Tao Chuang and Mary B. Burns
An Agent-Based Architecture Of An Adaptive Decision Support System, Ta-Tao Chuang and Surya B. Yadav
A Method for Expert Systems Valuation, Jeffrey Clark and Fawzy Soliman
The Decision to Telework: A Model of Prediction, Stanley D. Clark
The Informing Science Framework:Part I. The Similarity Among Various Disciplines, Eli Cohen
LOCKEAN INQUIRING ORGANIZATIONS:Guiding Principles and Design Guidelines for Learning Organizations, James Courtney, David Croasdell, and David Paradice
Incubating Foundations of Information Systems (FIS) --Issues in Creating an Electronic Journal, James F. Courtney, Jaana Porra, and Michael Parks
Teaching the Teachers: A Case Study of GSS Training, Janna M. Crews CPA and Melissa Sue Glynn
A Successful Case of Information Management Reengineeringin the Government Sector, David R. Croasdell, Robert B. Stuewe, and Michael T. Brandt
Using Information Technology To Support Memory And Learning In Organizations, David T. Croasdell
Designing Information Systems to Support Groupwork, Cretson L. Dalmadge
TAD: An Object-Oriented Method, Talib Damij
Visualizing the Knowledge Base of a Strategic Planning Expert System, Maurice Danaher
Determinants of Computer Security Practices, Amit Das
Science and the IS Researcher: Building an Empire Without Walls, Michael J. Davern and Christopher L. Carr
Application of AI Principles to Constraint Managementin Intelligent User Interfaces, Donald Day
Image Generation for GIS:Experimental Mapping Principles and Techniques, Donald day
Using Lotus Domino Interactive Web Sites to Support Problem-Based Learning, John Day and Hao Lou
Fuzzy Set Approach to Client Acceptance Decisions, Ashutosh Deshmukh and Jeffrey Ronline
A Database-project Approach to a Cobol Course, R.J Diagle PH.D
Extending the Technology Acceptance Model, Mark T. Dishaw and Diane M. Strong
The Ontology of Enterprises and Information Systems, John Dobson and Mike Martin
Educating in a Networked World: Tools, Processes and Critical Issues, Brian L. Dos Santos, Ajit Kambil, and Simha R. Magal
Object-Oriented Trends:Information Systems Degree Programs, David E. Douglas and Bill C. Hardgrave
Individual Rights to Privacy and Corporate E-mail, Karen Dowling, Robert Otondo, and Andrew Philippakis
An Empirical Examination of User Satisfaction With an Information System Implementation, Charles E. Downing
A Web Enabled CyberCollaboratory for Asynchronous Team Projects, Donna Dufner and Ojoung Kwon
UIS-SCHEDULER An Asynchronous Web Enabled Collaborative Course Scheduling Tool, Donna Dufner, Ardeshir Lohrasbi, and Douglas Shaw
In Search of The IS Question: Stalking the Wild Information Event in its Amorphous Habitat, Nancy Duncan and William Acar
Information Systems Students and the World Wide Web: What should the undergraduate know?, Terry L. Earhart and David W. Valentine
The Process of Software Maintenance:A Comparison of OOP and 3GL, Michael A. Eierman and Mark T. Dishaw
Dial-Up Server Capacity Planning Model, Richard A. Elnicki
Collaborative Systems for the Management of Resource Conflicts, M. El-Shinnaway
CIOs' Influence on Business Strategy Formulation and Realization, Harvey G. Enns and Prof. Sid L. Huff
A Framework for Designing Internet-Based Curriculum, Margarete Epstein and Gregory Madey
Using Log Files to Assess Web-Enabled Information System Usage, Kristin Eschenfelder, Steven K. Wyman, John Carlo Bertot, and William E. Moen
Security in heterogeneous interoperable database environments, W. Eßmayr
Community and Non-Profits on the World Wide Web, Mary Helen Fagan
Strategic Information Systems Planning, an Australian Experience, Donald J. Falconer and R.Alan Hodgett
A Logical Solution to the Year 2000 Problem?, Jane Fedorowicz and Janis Goga
Using Expert Support and its Explanation Facilitiesfor Group Decision Making, Fui Hooh (Fiona)Nah and Izak Benbasat
Using an Executive Information System to AnalyzeGroup Support Systems: A Preliminary Implementation, Jerry Fjermestad and Thiam S. Seah
Does Environment Matter? An Empirical Investigation Of ISStrategy And Structure In Multinational Corporations, Paulo R. Flor and William R. King
Technology-Mediated Active Learning in Information Systems Development Pedagogy: A Case Study, K. Dale Foster and Jeffrey Parsons
Ideologies and Artificial IntelligenceWilliam H. Friedman, William H. Friedman
Implementing IS'95: A Case Study, Lizelle Froneman and Dewald Roode
Implementing Computer Networking Skills in the MIS Program, Linda Gammill
The Creative Road: The Impact of the Person,Process and Feedback on Idea Generation, Monica Garfield, John Satzinger, Nolan Taylor, and Alan Dennis
Integrating Distributed Data Over Their Semantic Identity, Nektarios Georgalas