Abstract. The dynamic growth of e-commerce is encompassed by the sale of goods and services by means of telecommunication networks. One of the factors that determine its development is online trust - the relations between online sellers and consumers. In the herein paper, the most important circumstances of consumer trust online have been identified, while also an analysis of its impact on the intentions of entering transactions on websites have been conducted. The principal aim of the authors was to search for answers to the following questions: What is the level of consumer trust online among young people? What factors have an impact on the level of consumer trust of young people? How does consumer trust online have an impact on the intention to continue further relations with the website? In the search for answers to these questions, the method of critical analysis of subject-related literature and survey were applied.
Recommended Citation
Bylok, Feilcjan, "Impact of consumer trust online on purchasing intentions of young consumer in e-commerce" (2020). AMCIS 2020 TREOs. 6.
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