TREO Co-Chairs: Michelle Carter, Sandra Richardson
Submissions from 2020
Abstract Only: Empowering Women Through Cyber Security, Abdelnasser Abdelaal
Abstract Only: The Religious Calculus of Privacy, abdelnasser Abdelaal
Abstract Only: Reciprocal Relationship between Employee Experience Management and Digital Transformation, Kaveh Abhari and Zachary Solomon
Abstract Only: Virtual Reality Applications and Experiential Learning Needs: The Needs-Affordances-Features Perspective, Marta Adzgauskaite and Kaveh Abhari
Abstract Only: AI Moral Decision Making : Human Control and Cultural Impact, Emem Akpan, Yun Wan, and Hongyu Guo
Abstract Only: Data Mining Algorithms Predicting Different Types of Cancer: Integrative Literature Review, Ahmad Al-Aiad, Salsabil Abualrub, Yazan Alnsour, and Mohammad Alsharo
Abstract Only: Increasing the Effectiveness of Clinical Practices with Health Informatics: Systematic Literature Review, Ahmad Al-Aiad, Somayyah Alrawashdah, Yazan Alnsour, and Mohammad Alsharo
Abstract Only: The Impact of Speech Recognition Systems on The Productivity and The Workflow in Radiology Departments: A Systematic Review, Ahmad Al-Aiad, Ahmad K. Momani, Yazan Alnsour, and Mohammad Alsharo
Abstract Only: The factors that impact the adoption and Usage of Telemedicine in Chronic Diseases: Systematic Review, Ahmad Al-Aiad, Esraa Mugdadi, Yazan Alnsour, and Mohammad Alsharo
Abstract Only: Effect of Metacognition on Phishing Detection: Mediating Role of Situational Awareness, Nabid Alam and Gurpreet Dhillon
Abstract Only: Trends in Smart Cities: Implications for Research and Practice in Developing Economies, Patrick Annan-Noonoo
Abstract Only: Investigating Users’ Perception about Biometric Security Mechanism: The Case of Ethiopia Banking Sector, Tilahun Muluneh Arage
Abstract Only: Exploration and exploitation, MIS, engineering projects automotive industry: a synthesis of a clinical research, Wilfrid Azan
Abstract Only: Resource Integration Mechanisms in Self-Service Business Analytic, Imad Bani Hani
Abstract Only: Changing the Leopard’s Spots: Using Privacy Calculus to enforce ABAC access control in BYOD, Paras Bhatt, Myung Ko, and Smriti Bhatt
Abstract Only: A Method for Gamifying Online Discussions, Brian Bovee, Thomas Jernejcic, and Omar El-Gayar
Abstract Only: Why do so few women in Bolivia opt for IT careers and what can we do to change this situation?, Boris Branisa, Patricia Cabero Tapia, and Indira Guzman
Abstract Only: Expanding Social IMC: A Territorial Development Observatory Case, Rafael Alfonso Brinkhues, José Carlos da Silva Freitas Junior, Ana Cristina Belomo da Silva, Maira Bae Baladao Vieira, Sergio Kapron, and Danilo Mattes Navarro
Abstract Only: Monitoring and Predicting Air Quality in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Using IoT IoT, John C. Burke and Michael Hart
Abstract Only: Impact of consumer trust online on purchasing intentions of young consumer in e-commerce, Feilcjan Bylok
Abstract Only: How Information Technology Influence IS/IT Workers' Job Burnout in Chinese Society?, Christina Ling-hsing Chang
Abstract Only: Information Systems in the Behavioral Health Context, Randyl Cochran and Sue Feldman
Abstract Only: Mexican Organizations: Alignment, ICTs and Leadership, Javier Santiago Cortes Lopez, Juan Manuel Gomez Reynoso, and Guillermo Rodriguez-Abitia
Abstract Only: Solutions to Increase Mobile Merchant Payment Application Value, Customers’ Continued Intention to Use, and Loyalty, Karlene Cousins, Pouyan Esmaeilzadeh, and Shangjun Wang
Abstract Only: The Ethical Implications of Digital Workers, Michael Cuellar
Abstract Only: Why is MISQ the highest quality journal?, Michael Cuellar
Abstract Only: Electronic Service Quality, Product Type, and Impulse Online Buying; A Field Experiment, Mohammad Daneshvar Kakhki
Abstract Only: To Share or Not to Share: Optimal Value of Insurance Rewards for Sharing Data Generated from Wearable Devices for Hypertensive Patients, Polina Durneva
Abstract Only: Electronic Health Records Functionalities and Quality of Care: Conceptual Model and Research Agenda, Polina Durneva and Min Chen
Abstract Only: Digital Transformation: Understanding the Leadership Skills Needed, José Carlos da Silva Freitas Junior, Patrícia Martins Fagundes Cabral, Rafael Alfonso Brinkhues, and Georgiana Motta Costa
Abstract Only: Expertise and Information Technologies: A Multidisciplinary Review, H. Kevin Fulk and Delmer Nagy
Abstract Only: Beauty Contest and Social Value of Fintech: An Economic Analysis, Anurag Garg, Liangfei Qiu, and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay
Abstract Only: Design requirements for a cloud-based automated red team in a cyber range for security operations training, Justin Giboney, Kyle Adams, William Atwood, Joseph Belyeu, Caleb Crandall, and Joshua Keller
Abstract Only: Text Analytics and Spatial Visualization of Social Media Data during the Various Stages of a Disaster: The Case of Hurricane Dorian, Cyrus Goudarzi and Minoo Mondaresnezhad
Abstract Only: Awareness and Possession of Digital Competencies for Digital Entrepreneurship, Arvind Gudi and Ravi Chinta
Abstract Only: Latest Trends in AI: Implications for Organizations, Naveen Gudigantala
Abstract Only: An Artificial Intelligence model in Intellectual Systems, Rakesh Guduru, Jun Sun, and Sonakshi Sharma
Abstract Only: Forecasting Congestion Severity for Smart City Traffic Management, Abdulrahman Habib, Ali Alammari, and Bill Buckles
Abstract Only: Examining an Information System Used to Process Employees Award: A Qualitative Study, Vernell Hall, Angie Cox, Indira Guzman, Christopher Linski, and Mark Young
Abstract Only: Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Trust in Artificial Intelligence, Linrui Han and Keng Siau
Abstract Only: Interface Design of Web-based Educational Platforms for Young Students, Lurong He and Fiona Nah
Abstract Only: The Effects of Individuals' Cognitive Styles and Warning Types on Anchoring Effects, Hsieh-Hong Huang and Jack Hsu
Abstract Only: Big Data Analytics using Small Datasets: Machine Learning for Early Breast Cancer Detection, Dulani Jayasuriya, Johnny Chan, and David Sundaram
Abstract Only: Electronic Payment Systems: Payment Gateways and Data Security Standards, Lorraine Jonassen, Hyesung Park, Karen C. Benson, Binh Tran, Jeffry Guzman, and David Cruz-Reyes
Abstract Only: Best Practices for Financial Institutions to Address Cybersecurity Threats, Amy Kay, Christian Hutcherson, Calen Keene, and Xihui Zhang
Abstract Only: The Intervening Role of Readiness Factors on the Relationship between Business Intelligence and Analytics Usage and Firm Performance, Abbas Keramati and Yazwand Palanichamy
Abstract Only: Influence of SMEs’ Industry Field on Performance, SEOK-SOO KIM
Abstract Only: Artificial Intelligence in COVID-19 Pandemic Management and Control, Ru Lian and Keng Siau
Abstract Only: Values of Ethical Artificial Intelligence, Ran Liu and Keng Siau
Abstract Only: Barriers and Facilitators to PDMP IS Success in the US, Heather Martin, Shikha Modi, and Sue Feldman