Business researchers have recently realized the need for innovative information systems and their congruence in industry anatomies. Managing businesses in periodic dimensions are becoming complex. Handling different types of data, rapid change of business rules and resources existing in multiple domains and systems, is challenging. Besides, the development and implementation of information systems have added challenges when industries operate in various geographic locations. Issues associated with the existing information system (IS) artefacts must be addressed before planning and developing new business IS to attain additional benefits. The proposed BIS architectures align different operations and organizational systems, in addition to their cautious implementations. Sustainable production is the target and requirement while optimizing resources and revenues. The purpose of the Professional Development Symposia (PDS) is to prepare BIS developers and evaluators, strategizing and putting in place the necessary logistic requirements for IS implementations. The BIS architecture must manifest with IS artefact designs and business data artefacts in ecologies, where manufacturing, production, and distribution, including the delivery of quality products and services are harnessed through the implementation of IS artefacts. The architecture covers a variety of applications and business scenarios. The data science and business analytics are additional perspectives of the PDS program.
Recommended Citation
Nimmagadda, Shastri; Krishna, Aneesh; and Reiners, Torsten, "New IS Vision in Industry Scenarios" (2020). AMCIS 2020 TREOs. 29.
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