
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems


Background: Recent studies in information systems have predicted that applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) innovations will revolutionise various sectors including healthcare. Besides the issues and opportunities of IoT based innovations, existing studies have shown limitations to advance the adoption of IoT-understanding and relevant interventions to benefit researchers and healthcare practitioners.

Method: In this context, a systematic literature review study was conducted to re-position a qualitative, phenomenological investigation that could offer useful insights into the factors affecting IoT-adoption in a developing country’s healthcare service. In addition to it, five participants who worked in hospitals and clinics in Jazan, Saudi Arabia, took part in the semi-structured interviews developed based on the diffusion of innovation theory.

Results: The study explored the relevant literature and evaluated how the outcome is used to identify the key delivers of IoT in healthcare.

Conclusions: According to the findings, the capacity of the Saudi healthcare sector to accept and implement a new IT with IoT technologies is increasing and its integrations remains a debated issue.


