“Societal Transformation Through IS/IT”
The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) is a premier information systems conference in the Asia Pacific region. Since 2016, PACIS has become a conference under the auspices of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). PACIS serves to provide a platform for Information Systems and Information Technology academics and professionals to share their research findings, ideas and practices in a high quality annual forum. The 21st edition of the conference (PACIS 2017) was held in Meritus Pelangi Beach Resort & Spa Langkawi, Malaysia. The 3-day conference was preceded by a doctoral consortium, workshops and relevant meetings. PACIS 2017 was organized by the Malaysia Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (MyAIS) and hosted by the Department of Information Systems, School of Computing (SOC), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).
The five-day program consisted of 2 days of Doctoral Consortium sessions, 2 academic and industrial Keynote Speeches, 9 Parallel Sessions, 5 Poster Sessions, 1 Tutorial Session, and 4 Workshop Sessions.
The 2017 Call for submissions elicited 568 submissions. As a result, we were able to select 260 high quality papers for the conference. With 400 international delegates and participants from 40 nations, this Annual Conference provides the opportunity to share research experiences and discuss the implications of research work for practice.
All 260 papers and 10 doctoral consortium papers are included in proceedings, which are available from the AIS Library.
Conference Co-Chairs
Rose Alinda, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Pan Shan Ling, University of New South Wales
Program Co-Chairs
Shamshul Bahri, University of Malaya
Patrick Finnegan, University of New South Wales
Sia Choon Ling, City University of Hong Kong
Proceedings of the 21th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2017)
Submissions from 2017
Affine-Invariant Outlier Detection and Data Visualization, Mudassir Shabbir, Asif Jamshed, and Imdadullah Khan
Re-Thinking Vygotsky: Applying Social Constructivism to Asynchronous Online Courses utilizing the Power of Crowdsourcing, Umair Uddin Shaikh, Shakir Karim, and Zaheeruddin Asif
Impact of Interactivity on Individuals' Continuance Participation in MOOCs Platform, Zhen Shao, Xin Liang, and Ming Yang
Pokemon Go: A Study on Fit in Virtual-Reality Integration, Wen-Lung Shiau, Li-Chun Huang, and Yu-Lun Cheng
Concerns make your decision better: Privacy perception, increased awareness, and the decision of mobile app installation., Jieun Shin, Daegon Cho, and Jaeung Sim
Effect of Long Tail and Trust on Customer Motivation behind Online Shopping Use: Comparative study between physical product and service product, Mahendra Singh and Yoshiki Matsui
Identifying Challenges in BRM Implementations Regarding the Verification and Validation Capabilities at Governmental Institutions, Koen Smit, Johan Versendaal, and Martijn Zoet
A Business Rules Management Reference Process for the Dutch Government, Koen Smit and Martijn Zoet
Attitude Confidence and User Resistance for Purchasing Wearable Devices on VR: VR Headset Perspective, Bongjin Sohn, Ho Lee, and Jaewon Choi
IFRS 9 (Financial Instruments) and the Heightened Demand for Big Data Governance. A Preliminary Literature Review., Connor Stead and Savanid Vatanasakdakul
The Relationship between SME Owner’s Personality, Facebook Usage and Organizational Performance, Ainin Sulaiman, Farzana Parveen Tajudeen, Noor Ismawati Jaafar, Sedigheh Moghavvemi, and Nor Liyana Mohd Shuib
The Effects of Presence on User Experience Based on Regulatory Focus Theory, Huey-Min Sun
Who Will Buy in the Next Visit?, Kai Sun, Bin Zhu, and Mei Yun Zuo
Implicit Community in Online Social Groups: Understand Consumer Network and Purchase Behavior, Yi Sun, Kwok-Kee Wei, Yaobin Lu, and Zhao Pan
Security for Complex Cyber-Physical and Industrial Control Systems: Current Trends, Limitations, and Challenges, Dabeeruddin Syed, Tao-Hung Chang, Davor Svetinovic, Talal Rahwan, and Zeyar Aung
Is the Digital Divide Still relevant in 2017? Two Cases from Marginalised Communities in Aotearoa-New Zealand, Allan Sylvester, Janet Toland, and Pouaka Parore
Social Media in Families: A Qualitative Inquiry from the Perspectives of Parents and Children, Iman Taani, Zhi Quan Ong, Aseem Pahuja, and Cheng-Suang Heng
Demographic Factors influencing Online Risks and Harm among the teenagers in Bangladesh, Taslim Taher and Mohd Adam Suhaimi
Investigating the Impact of IT Ambidexterity on Digital Innovation Capability, Jeffrey C. F. Tai, Eric T.G Wang, and Kai Wang
Evaluation of “Virtual Same Room” System in Actual Enterprise: Effect on Worker’s Interaction and Behaviors for Knowledge Creation, Kentaro Takashima and Dai Senoo
Information Security Governance: A Case Study of the Strategic Context of Information Security, Terrence Tan, Sean Maynard, Atif Ahmad, and Tobias Ruighaver
Scalable Approximation Algorithm for Network Immunization, Juvaria Tariq, Muhammad Ahmad, Imdadullah Khan, and Mudassir Shabbir
Online Value Propositions and Customer Behaviour Inside and Outside Brand Communities: A Study in a Chinese Social Media Context, Mary Tate, Tony Jing, Hongzhi Gao, David Johnstone, and Syahida Hassan
Is NIST CSF applicable for developing nations? A case study on Government Sector in Malaysia, Chooi Shi Teoh, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, and Suhazimah Dzazali
Social Innovation Based on the Business Process Perspective: A Case Study of an Unattended Movable Store, Ogawa Tetsuji, Yuhashi Hiroyasu, and Nishigaki Masakatsu
Exploring User Participation Motives in Information System Projects, Rahul Thakurta
Citation Analyses in Information Systems, Malte Thiede
Adoption of eSCM in Centralized and Decentralized Manufacturing Organizations, Zayyad Danlami Tsiga, Alain Yee-Loong Chong, Xiaodie PU, and Pei-Lee Teh
Deriving Value from Health 2.0: A Study of Social Media Use in Australian Healthcare Organizations, Chukwuma Ukoha, Andrew Stranieri, and Mehmood Chadhar
The Impact of IT Governance on Firm Performance A Literature Review, Sulejman Vejseli and Alexander Rossmann
Transactive Memory System, Job Competence and Individual Performance, Cheng-Hui Wang, Gloria H. W. Liu, Chia-Dai Yen, and Kuang-Jung Chen
How Location Matters in Restaurant Success?, Jing Wang and Xiangbin Yan
Role of Service Experience and Value Co- Creation in Determining Music Streaming Service Continuance, Kai Wang, Shih-Ting Huang, and Chi-Feng Tai
The Antecedents and Consequences of Social and Economic User Satisfaction in Online Social Shopping Community: The User Experience Perspective, Pan Pan WANG, Qian Huang, Robert M. Davison, and Wei Wu
The Effect of Affordance on Ubiquitous Commerce Consumption, Shu Ching Wang, Xiaoyu Xu, Kuan-Chung Lin, and Jen Her Wu
Understanding How Software Developers Innovate in an IT-Enabled Work Environment: A Role Perceptions Perspective, You-Ying Wang, Robert M. Davison, and Qian Huang
Investigating the Commitment Formation of Internet Start-up by Integrating Three Theoretical Models, Yu Min Wang
Explaining Adoption of Pervasive Retail Systems with a Model based on UTAUT2 and the Extended Privacy Calculus, Alexander Weinhard, Matthias Hauser, and Frédéric Thiesse
A New Form of Collaboration in IT Teams - Exploring the DevOps Phenomenon, Anna Wiedemann
Dealing with online harassment: Understanding online protective coping strategies on social nerworking sites, Randy Y. M. Wong
25 Years of CIO and IT Leadership - Revisiting Managerial Roles in Information System Research, Nico Wunderlich and Roman Beck
Competitive Self-efficacy and Solvers’ Sustained Participation in the Crowdsourcing Contest Market: The Moderating Effect of Regulatory Focuses, Wei Wu, Qian Huang, Hefu Liu, and Robert M. Davison
Business Intelligence Design: Consideration of Convergence Challenges, Suraya Yaacob, Hai Ning Liang, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Nurazean Maarop, Nor Zairah Ab. Rahim, and Siti Isnaine Haini
Proactive or Reactive? Platform Governance Strategy in C2C Marketplace, Hikaru Yamamoto and Hiroumi Ohshima
Considering Consumers’ Repeated Consumption Behaviors in Collaborative Filtering Recommendation, Chin-Sheng Yang and Chih-Han Chen
A Study on Music Mood Detection in Online Digital Music Database, Keng-Chieh Yang, Chia-Hwa Huang, Conna Yang, and Yi-Sin Lin
Influencing Lenders’ Repeat Investment Intention in P2P Lending Platforms in China through Signaling, Ming Yang, Haiyang Li, Zhen Shao, and Wei Shang
Porting or Not Porting? Availability of Exclusive Games in the Mobile App Market, Yu-Chen Yang, Hao Yin, and Yong Jimmy Jin
Virtual Collaboration Effectiveness in Multi-Organization Projects: Tool Usability, Task Alignment and Team Connectivity, Zhaojun Yang, Jun Sun, Yali Zhang, and Ying Wang
Continuous Use and Extended Use of E-Government Portals, Ching Seng Yap, Rizal Ahmad, Farhana Tahmida Newaz, and Cordelia Mason
Bridging the Digital Divide through IT-enabled Service Innovations: A Service-Dominant Logic Perspective, Ching Seng Yap, Farah Waheeda Jalaludin, Rizal Ahmad, Ik Ying Ngu, Yet Mee Lim, and Kwok Mow Chan
Health Information Seeking and its Associated Factors among University Students: A Case in a Middle-Income Setting, Tesfahun Melese Yilma, Anushia Inthiran, Daniel Reidpath, and Sylvester Olubolu Orimaye
Mobile Initiative and Firm Equity Value, Ziqing Yuan, Hailiang Chen, and Choon Ling Sia
The Social Implications of Information Systems: Case Studies of Digitally-Enabled Social Innovation, Lin Yue, Shan Ling Pan Prof, and Barney Tan
Examination of Green IT Adoption in Organizations: Based on the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory, Li-Hui Yu and Wei-Tsong Wang
A Proposed Analytical Customer Satisfaction Prediction Model for Mobile Internet Networks, Ayisat W. Yusuf-Asaju, Zulkhairi Dahalin, and Azman Ta’a
Investigating Mutual Adaptation Process between Users and E-Learning System: A Knowledge Access Efficiency Approach, Bingcong Zeng
Assessment of Borrowers' Delinquency and Default Behaviors in Online P2P Lending: A Two-stage Model, Chenghong Zhang, Tian Lu, and Yunjie (Calvin) Xu
Research on Automatic Identification of Rumors in Stock Forum Based on Machine Learning, Hua Zhang, Jun Wang, Yan Chen, Jinghua Tan, and Qing Li
Factors Influencing Users' Reading Satisfaction of Articles on WeChat, Le Zhang, Qiang Yan, Leihan Zhang, and Chengyan Zhang
The Antecedents and Consequences of Crowdfunding Investors’ Citizenship Behaviors – an Empirical Research on Motivations and Stickiness, Wenjie Zhang, Yan Chen, Peiying Li, Xu Yun, and Haichao Zheng
Understanding Investment Intention Towards Social Lending——Based on Social Exchange Theory, Yuyao Zhang, Tao Wang, Minghui Kang, Yaling Li, and Yongtao Chen
Investigating the Impacts of Task characteristics in Gamified Citizen Science, Xinxue Zhou, Jian Tang, Tianmei Wang, and Yanlin Ma
Merchants’ Replies to Customer Reviews in Online Malls: The Role of Positive Reviews, Wangsheng Zhun, Liang Zhou, and Kanliang Wang
Why Viewers Contribute in Live Feed Broadcast, Ting Zhu, Yaobin Lu, and Sumeet Gupta