“Societal Transformation Through IS/IT”
The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) is a premier information systems conference in the Asia Pacific region. Since 2016, PACIS has become a conference under the auspices of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). PACIS serves to provide a platform for Information Systems and Information Technology academics and professionals to share their research findings, ideas and practices in a high quality annual forum. The 21st edition of the conference (PACIS 2017) was held in Meritus Pelangi Beach Resort & Spa Langkawi, Malaysia. The 3-day conference was preceded by a doctoral consortium, workshops and relevant meetings. PACIS 2017 was organized by the Malaysia Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (MyAIS) and hosted by the Department of Information Systems, School of Computing (SOC), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).
The five-day program consisted of 2 days of Doctoral Consortium sessions, 2 academic and industrial Keynote Speeches, 9 Parallel Sessions, 5 Poster Sessions, 1 Tutorial Session, and 4 Workshop Sessions.
The 2017 Call for submissions elicited 568 submissions. As a result, we were able to select 260 high quality papers for the conference. With 400 international delegates and participants from 40 nations, this Annual Conference provides the opportunity to share research experiences and discuss the implications of research work for practice.
All 260 papers and 10 doctoral consortium papers are included in proceedings, which are available from the AIS Library.
Conference Co-Chairs
Rose Alinda, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Pan Shan Ling, University of New South Wales
Program Co-Chairs
Shamshul Bahri, University of Malaya
Patrick Finnegan, University of New South Wales
Sia Choon Ling, City University of Hong Kong
Proceedings of the 21th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2017)
Submissions from 2017
Assessing the Capability and Priority of Enterprise Architecture Implementation in Malaysian Public Sector, Nur Azaliah A Bakar, Harihodin Selamat, and Mohd Nazri Kama
Mobile Application on Smoking Cessation Based on Persuasive Design Theory, Nor Shahriza Abdul Karim, Abeer AlHarbi, Basmah AlKadhi, and Noor AlOthaim
The Mediating Role of Web 2.0 Usage in the Effect of Psychological Empowerment on Innovative Work Behavior among Academia in Malaysian Research Universities, Azra Ayue Abdul Rahman, Siti Aisyah Panatik, and Rose Alinda Alias
Offer Strategy Model of Integrative Negotiation for Automated Negotiation Agent: Multiple Equivalent Simultaneous Offers and Argumentation-based Negotiation, Hamirahanim Abdul Rahman, Ji-Seon Choe, and Jinsoo Park
Peer to Peer Adult Learning Engagement in Online Collaborative Learning: Characteristics and Learning Outcomes, Adam Abedini, Babak Abedin, and Iwona Miliszewska
Student Engagement with Technology Use in Mathematics Education: An Indonesian Secondary School Context, Zaenal Abidin, Anuradha Mathrani, and Roberta Hunter
m-Government: Benefits and its Key Attributes for Personalized Services, Noor Suriana Abu Bakar, Azizah Abdul Rahman, and Haza Nuzly Abdull Hamed
Moving beyond access and skills: Transformation in teaching and learning in a BYOD case, Janak Adhikari, Anuradha Mathrani, Chris Scogings, and Indu Sofat
Understanding the in-app advertisement effect on mobile user ad accessibility, Shalinda Adikari
Privacy-preserving Data clustering in Cloud Computing based on Fully Homomorphic Encryption, Abdulatif Alabdulatif, Ibrahim Khalil, Mark Reynolds, Heshan Kumarage, and Xun Yi
Does Institutional Environment Promote Women's IT Entrepreneurial Intention in Saudi Arabia ?Technological and Institutional Perspectives, Asma Aleidi and Daniel Chandran
Aligning Business Strategy with IT Strategy from Business Model to Enterprise in Saudi Arabia Public Sector, Abulaziz AlGhazi, Mengxiang Li, Jun Shen, and Samuel Fosso
African Societal Challenges Transformation through IoT, Salim Al-Isma’ili, Mengxiang Li, Jun Shen, Qiang He, and Abdulaziz Alghazi
Alignment Framework in Enterprise Architecture Development, Hamood Al-Kharusi, Suraya Miskon, and Mahadi Bahari
Research Perspective in Enterprise Architecture, Hamood Al-Kharusi, Suraya Miskon, and Mahadi Bahari
Towards a Driving Training System to Support Cognitive Flexibility, Hasan J. Alyamani, Maher Alsharfan, Manolya Kavakli-Thorne, and Hessam Jahani F.
Unconscious on their Own Ignorance:Overconfidence in Information Security, Clara Ament and Lennart Jaeger
B2B E-Commerce Framework for Integrating Smallholders in Commercial Supply Chains, Sarah Jane A. Pandes and Marivic S. Tangkeko
Exploring Modes of ECMS-use Supporting Organizational Business Processes, Noreen Izza Arshad, Rachelle Bosua, Simon K. Milton, and Mazlina Mehat
System Generated Recommendation Vs Consumer Generated Recommendation: A Differential Effect on Consumers Beliefs and Behavior in e-Commerce Transactions, Muhammad Ashraf, Ainin Sulaiman, and Noor Ismawati Jaafar
Private Recommendations Generation for Vertically Partitioned Datasets, Shahriar Badsha, Xun Yi, Ibrahim Khalil, and Andrei Kelarev
Performance of Ideation Projects based on Task Characteristics, Tuba Bakici
Predicting Post-adoption Usage of Information Technology: A Large-scale Data Analysis of Mobile App Download and Usage Behavior, Youngsok Bang, Dong-Joo Lee, and Keehyung Kim
Enabling Organizational Agility Through Self-Service Business Intelligence: the case of a digital marketplace, Imad Bani Hani, Sinan Deniz, and Sven Carlsson
Assessing the Data Leakage Prevention for Data-in-Use, Wan Hassan Basri and Maryati Yusof
Understanding the Continuous Use of Fitness Trackers: A Thematic Analysis, Moritz Becker, Andreas Kolbeck, Christian Matt, and Thomas Hess
Development and Update of Guidelines to Perform and Report Partial Least Squares Path Modeling in Information Systems Research, Jose Benitez-Amado, Jörg Henseler, and Ana Castillo
Impact of E-business Technology on Operational Competence and Firm Profitability over Time, Jose Benitez, Yang Chen, Thompson S.H Teo, and Aseel Ajamieh
Towards a procedure for survey item selection in MIS, Soerin Bipat, Lineke Sneller, and Joost Visser
Understanding Learning Analytics from an IT Affordance Perspective, Guangming Cao and Yanqing Duan
Filipino Consumers' Decision-Making Model in Social Commerce, Jypzie M. Catedrilla
Extracting Visual Words from Images for Effective Medical Image Analysis, Yidong Chai, Hongyan Liu, and Li Zhang
Social Media as Enabler for ICT Inclusion to Achieve Active Ageing, Celeste J. Chan and Merlin Teodosia C. Suarez
A Study of Gender Differences in Preferences of Tourism Facebook Fanpage Posts, Hsin-Lu Chang and Yu Hsien Kung
Integration of Social Media News Mining and Text Mining Techniques to Determine a Corporate’s Competitive Edge, Te-Ming Chang, Guo Hsin Hu, Ming-Fu Hsu, and Keng-Pei Lin
Exploring Sharing Economy Success: Resource-Based View and the Role of Resource Complementarity in Business Value Co-Creation, Chun-Der Chen, Qun Zhao, Jin-Long Wang, Cheng-Kui Huang, and Neil C. A. Lee
A Novel Classification-based Method for Constructing Patent Citation Networks, Cheng-Yuan Cheng and Ling-Chieh Kung
Quantifying the Risk of Innovation: A Patent Knowledge Management Approach, Cheng-Yuan Cheng and Ling-Chieh Kung
Age and Gender Profiling of Social Media Accounts, Jan Kristoffer Y. Cheng, Avril Ranezca L. Fernandez, Rissa Grace Marie M. Quindoza, Shayane E. Tan, and Charibeth Cheng
Opinion Mining from Online Reviews: Consumer Satisfaction Analysis with B&B Hotels, Yetian Chen, Lin Xiao, and Chuanmin Mi
Examining information sharing in Enterprise 2.0: Applying theory of attachment, Yongtao Chen, Minghui Kang, Tao Wang, Yuyao Zhang, and Yaling Li
Effective Dependency Rule-based Aspect Extraction for Social Recommender Systems, Y.Y. Chen, N. Wiratunga, and R. Lothian
IT Professionals’ Turnover Intention: The Role of Job Crafting and Engagement, Chao-Min Chiu
The Effectiveness of Scarcity Messages in Group-Buying Social Commerce: The Comparison of Korea and China, Sujeong Choi and Min Qu
Cannot Live without Facebook? An Expectation Confirmation Model with the Moderating Effects of Narcissism, Chih-Hung Chou, Ya-Wen Lin, Chien-Hung Lin, and C. K. Farn
Measure E-Personality with Five Factor Model: Empirical Support, Chih-Hung Chou, Hao-Jan Yang, and C. K. Farn
The power of LinkedIn: Will professionals leave their organizations for professional advancement because of their use of LinkedIn?, Vincent Cho and Wing Lam
A Survey Paper on Open Source Forking Motivation Reasons and Challenges, Bee Bee Chua
Exploring Intention Behavior Gap by E-Learning Discourses, Tsai-Hsin Chu
Exploring Software Developers’ Experiences in Startups: The Philippine, Ma. Beth S. Concepcion and Raymund C. Sison
Predicting Popularity of Hedonic Digital Content via Artificial Intelligence Imagery Analysis of Thumbnails, Stefan Cremer
Enterprise Architecture and Organizational Reform: A Project Debrief, Duong Dang and Samuli Pekkola
Evaluating the Citations of Information Systems Journals in Wikipedia, Huijing Deng and Yi Liu
Trust Transfer and Its Effects on The Continuance Usage of Mobile Service in B2C E-marketplaces, Made Ayu Aristyana Dew, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Muhammad Rifki Shihab, and Yu-Qian Zhu
How Do IT Capabilities enable IT Agility? A Qualitative Study of German Industry, Tobias Dobner, Andy Weeger, and Heiko Gewald
Cyber Security Violation in I0T-Enabled Bright Society: A Proposed Framework, Magiswary Dorasamy, Su-Cheng Haw, and Thesigaruphani Vigian
A Data Driven Approach to Reducing the Risk and Impact of Structure Fires, Andrew Edwards, Stephen Smith, and Vincent Pang
Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Taxonomy, Gaps, and Future Directions, Imairi Eitiveni, Sherah Kurnia, and Rajkumar Buyya
Managing Sedentary Behavior with Smartphone, Nur Fadziana Faisal Mohamed, Azizah Abdul Rahman, and Noorminshah A. Iahad
Social Media In-Feed Advertising: the Impacts of Consistency And Sociability On Ad Avoidance, Si Fan, Yaobin Lu, and Sumeet Gupta
You Are Not Alone: the Impacts of Danmu Technological Features And Co-experience On Consumer Video Watching Behavior, Si Fan, Yaobin Lu, Ling Zhao, and Zhao Pan
Sustainable Supply Chain Analytics: Grand Challenges and Future Opportunities, Taghikhah Firouzeh, Jay Daniel, and Mooney Grant
Determinants of Intention to Use Open Data Website: An Insight from Indonesia, Widia Resti Fitriani, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Puspa I. Sandhyaduhita, and Betty Purwandari
User Expectations of Hedonic Software Updates, Daniel Franzmann
Customer Intentions towards Co-creation in the Online Environments, Jen-Ruei Fu and I-Wei Lu
Flexibility Based Metrics at Diagnosis of New Technology Adoption, Masaru Furukawa
Understanding Mobile Social Media Usage: Uses and Gratification Expectancy Model, Chunmei Gan and Chee-Wee Tan
Discrete-Event Simulation Modelling Trials in Government Hospital: Preliminary Evidence from the Women and Children Hospital Sabah, Sarimah Gan, Syed Nasirin, Suzana Awang Piut, Cheah Phee Kheng, and Iza Azura A. Bahar
Digital Transformation and IT: Current State of Research, Daniel Gerster
DevOps: Concepts, Practices, Tools, Benefits and Challenges, Georges Bou Ghantous and Asif Gill
Overcoming Knowledge Management Success Issues by Utilizing IS Theories, Abdulrahman Gharamah and Mohamad Fauzan Noordin
Measuring the Success of the Business Correspondence (BC) model: A Literature Review, Kanika Goel and Wasana Bandara
How envy drives consumerism on Instagram, Saraniya Gunaseran and Haliyana Khalid
Understanding the Effect of Fundraising Goals on Crowdfunding Behavior, Yue Guo, Fu Xin, Stuart J. Barnes, and Qiong Jia
How to Enable Future Faster Payments? An Evaluation of a Hybrid Payments Settlement Mechanism, Zhiling GUO and Yuanzhi Huang
Navigation Paths and Performance in Educational Virtual Worlds, Jesse de Haan and Debbie Richards
What Does Twitter Tell Us About Tourists' Mobility Behavior? A Case Study on Tourists in The Netherlands and Belgium, Mena B. Habib and Nynke C. Krol
Transformation of Shared Service Typology Arrangement using Watson ans Mundy's E-Government Framework, Ravika Hafizi, Azizah Abdul Rahman, Suraya Miskon, Nazmona Mat Ali, Norris Syed Abdullah, and Sharin Hazlin Huspi
Citizen Centric Impact on Success Factors of Digital Government Maturity in Malaysian Public Sector, Siti Isnaine Haini, Nor Zairah Ab. Rahim, and Norziha Megat Mohd. Zainuddin
Innovation Paths in Knowledge Intensive Industries based on Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Petr Hajek and Jan Stejskal
Searching for Angels: Identifying Effective Characteristics of Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns, Rafiya Harun, Ben C.F. Choi, and Jie Yu
Essays on the Management of Innovation via IT-related Resources, Sangwook Ha
A Bibliographic Network Analysis of Big Data Literature, Ryuichi Hosoya, Zhenhao Ding, and Taro Kamioka
The Effect of Region-specific Institutions and Firm-specific Resources on Firm's Innovativeness in China, Fangfang Hou
Managerial Use of Mobile Business Intelligence: An Exploratory Study, Wei Hou and Shijia Gao
Based Data Envelopment Analysis to Clustering Decision Making Units, Bo Hsiao and Li-Hsueh Chen
Establishing a Stable Prediction Model of Loyal Customers for Repurchase Behavior, Bo Hsiao, LihChyun Shu, and Ti Chun Yeh
Examining Public-Public and Public-Private Partnership of Information Systems in Taiwan, Fang-Ming Hsu, Meng-Hsiang Shen, and Chu-Mei Chiu
The Demand Effect of Product Similarity Network, Hongjun Huang, Jun Yang, and Yuanyuan Zhou
Forecasting Company Revenue Trend Using Financial News, Hsin-Ching Huang, San-Yih Hwang, Shanlin Chang, and Yihuang Kang
Exploring Consumers’ Intention to Urge to Buy in Mobile Commerce: The Perspective of Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance, Li-Ting Huang
Integration of Shadow IT Systems with Enterprise Systems - A Literature Review, Melanie Huber, Stephan Zimmermann, Christopher Rentrop, and Carsten Felden
Decision-tree inspired classification algorithm to detect Tuberculosis (TB), Syed Fahadulla Hussainy, Fareed Zaffar, Muhammad Adeel Zaffar, Aasia Khaliq, Imran H. Khan, and Raza Ahmad
Preliminary Study of Malaysian Public Sector (MPS) Transformation Readiness through Enterprise Architecture (EA) Establishment, Surya Sumarni Hussein, Mohd Naz’ri Mahrin, and Nurazean Maarop
An Investigation into Consumers’ Continued Social Shopping Intentions, Xi Hu, Xia Wu, Pengzhen Yin, and Xiabing Zheng
Why Consumers Need Diversity? Understanding Consumers' Multiple Usage of Competing Mobile Applications from a Variety-seeking Perspective, Yingying Hu, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Zou, and Min Teng
Facilitating Disaster Knowledge Management with Agent-Based Modelling, Dedi Iskandar Inan and Ghassan Beydon
Analysis of the Effect of a New Mobile Device in a Semi-Saturated Market in Japan Based on Agent Model, Mitsuru Ishii
Sustainability of Open Systems Based on an Agent Model with Fluctuation, Mitsuru Ishii
The Empirical Analysis of Free-sample Promotion Effect in Mobile Games, Moonkyoung Jang