Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems (JMWAIS)
Volume 2015, Issue 1, January 2015
Editors' Comments
Daniel Power and Rassule Hadidi
Cost Structures of Information Technology Products and Digital Products and Services Firms: Implications for Financial Analysis
Richard B. Carter, Troy J. Strader, John J. Rozycki, and Thomas H. Root
Developing a Sustainability Network for Information Technology Adoption and Use in Micro-Enterprises
Mehruz Kamal
Evaluating Project Characteristics for Selecting the Best-fit Agile Software Development Methodology: A Teaching Case
Yousra Abdo Harb, Cherie Noteboom, and Surendra Sarnikar
Retooling for Success: A Case Study of VoIP Implementation to Improve Customer Service at a Midwestern Financial Services Office
Russell Roysden and Shu Schiller
Applied Doctorate in IT: A Case for Designing Data Science Graduate Programs
Bryan Hosack and Glen Sagers