Journal of Information Systems Education
Incorporating Ethics and Social Responsibility in IS Education
Incorporating Ethics and Social Responsibility in IS Education
Albert L. Harris, Michael Lang, Dave Yates, and S. E. Kruck
Information Ethics Education for a Multicultural World
Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Russell W. Robbins, and William A. Wallace
Students’ Ethical Decision-Making in an Information Technology Context: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach
Cynthia K. Reimenschneider, Lori N. K. Leonard, and Tracy S. Manly
Integrating Healthcare Ethical Issues Into IS Education
Leigh W. Cellucci, Elizabeth J. Layman, Robert Campbell, and Xiaoming Zeng
The Effect of Distributing Electronic Notes to Students: Ethical Considerations Raised By Computer Science Faculty at The University Of Namibia
Tulimevava K. Mufeti, Jameson Mbale, and Nalina Suresh
Using Debates to Teach Information Ethics
A. Graham Peace
Teaching IS Ethics: Applying A Research Technique For Classroom Use
Fred Niederman, Sallie Taylor, Geoffrey N. Dick, and Lesley P. W. Land
The Effects of Teaching the Universality Thesis on Students’ Integrative Complexity of Thought
Tero Vartiainen, Mikko Siponen, and Llisa Myyry
Trade Secret Law and Information Systems: Can Your Students Keep a Secret?
Lorrie Willey, Janet C. Ford, Barbara Jo White, and Danial L. Clapper