Journal of Information Systems Education
Encouraging Online Participation
Wing Lam
Effectiveness of an Interactive Application to Assist Learning: A Test Case
Raafat G. Saade and Dennis Kira
An Enhanced Technology Acceptance Model for Web-Based Learning
Min Gong, Yan Xu, and Yuecheng Yu
Addressing Commercial Realism and Academic Issues in Group-Based IS Undergraduate Project Work
Mark C. Jones and Tom McMaster
The Effects of Trustworthiness Perceptions on the Formation of Initial Trust: Implications for MIS Student Teams
Mark A. Serva and Mark A. Fuller
An Initial Assessment of Remote Access Computer Laboratories for IS Education: A Multiple Case Study
Christopher L. Huntley, Richard G. Mathieu, and George P. Schell
How Useful is IS 2002? A Case Study Applying the Model Curriculum
Catherine Dwyer and Constance A. Knapp
Spreadsheet Knowledge: Measuring What User Developers Know
Jane Klobas and Tanya McGIll
A Framework for Comparing IS Core Curriculum and IS Requirements for Accounting Majors
Christine P. Andrews and Judy Wynekoop