
Disruptive ecosystems lead to new dimensions also in IS development and operation, which poses a significant challenge in managing change across multi-disciplinary teams and leading innovation initiatives at a global level. Design thinking is introduced to tackle this complex task, as it applies problem-solving techniques through co-creation among stakeholders. It enables early exploration and validation of design(s) of new services and disruptive business models. The Scene2Model tool allows the creation of the digital twin of the design thinking artifacts to be shared among globally distributed stakeholders and IS developers, and maximize collective intelligence efforts in the digital age. In this context, the digital twins are digital conceptual models that can be further enriched with domain knowledge to be integrated with existing business assets. The interplay of conceptual modelling and design thinking establishes a connection between unrestrained design artifacts and more formal abstractions, facilitating digital agility and innovation in IS development.

Recommended Citation

Utz, W. & Vaidian, I. (2024). The Value of Digital Twins of Design Thinking in Digital Agility: The Scene2Model Approach. In B. Marcinkowski, A. Przybylek, A. Jarzębowicz, N. Iivari, E. Insfran, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Harnessing Opportunities: Reshaping ISD in the post-COVID-19 and Generative AI Era (ISD2024 Proceedings). Gdańsk, Poland: University of Gdańsk. ISBN: 978-83-972632-0-8. https://doi.org/10.62036/ISD.2024.114

Paper Type






The Value of Digital Twins of Design Thinking in Digital Agility: The Scene2Model Approach

Disruptive ecosystems lead to new dimensions also in IS development and operation, which poses a significant challenge in managing change across multi-disciplinary teams and leading innovation initiatives at a global level. Design thinking is introduced to tackle this complex task, as it applies problem-solving techniques through co-creation among stakeholders. It enables early exploration and validation of design(s) of new services and disruptive business models. The Scene2Model tool allows the creation of the digital twin of the design thinking artifacts to be shared among globally distributed stakeholders and IS developers, and maximize collective intelligence efforts in the digital age. In this context, the digital twins are digital conceptual models that can be further enriched with domain knowledge to be integrated with existing business assets. The interplay of conceptual modelling and design thinking establishes a connection between unrestrained design artifacts and more formal abstractions, facilitating digital agility and innovation in IS development.