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A Machine Learning Approach for Estimating Overtime Allocation in Software Development Projects

Hammed Mojeed, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Rafal Szlapczynski, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

A New Symbolic Time Series Representation Method Based on Data Fuzzification

Agnieszka Jastrzebska, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Zofia Matusiewicz, University of Information Technology and Management, Poland
Gonzalo Nápoles, Tilburg University, Netherlands

Adaptive Hounsfield Scale Windowing in Computed Tomography Liver Segmentation

Maciej Zakrzewski, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Dominik Kwiatkowski, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Jan Cychnerski, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Application Of Generative Adversarial Network for Data Augmentation and Multiplication to Automated Cell Segmentation of the Corneal Endothelium

Karolina Nurzyńska, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Krystian Jandy, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Paweł Weichbroth, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Artificial Intelligence in Optimizing the Selection of Incoterms Rules in Cross-Border Trade. State of Knowledge and Needs for Further Research

Monika Pettersen-Sobczyk, University of Szczecin, Poland
Marta Mańkowska, University of Szczecin, Poland

Calcium Activity in A Myocardium-On-Chip Model Analysed with Computer Vision Techniques for the Assessment of Tissue Contractile Properties

Maciej Szymkowski, Białystok University of Technology, Poland
Bartosz Jura, Łukasiewicz Research Network - Poznań Institute of Technology, Poland
Kacper Perz, Łukasiewicz Research Network - Poznań Institute of Technology, Poland

Characteristics of the Learning Data of a Session-Based Recommendation System and their Impact on the Performance of the System

Urszula Kużelewska, Białystok University of Technology, Poland
Małgorzata Charytanowicz, Lublin University of Technology, Poland

Combining Deep Learning and GARCH Models for Financial Volatility and Risk Forecasting

Jakub Michańków, University of Warsaw; Kraków University of Economics, Poland
Łukasz Kwiatkowski, Kraków University of Economics, Poland
Janusz Morajda, Kraków University of Economics, Poland

Comparison of Deep Neural Network Learning Algorithms for Mars Terrain Image Segmentation

Wojciech Wicki, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Wiktor Burblis, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Miłosz Tkaczeń, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Jerzy Demkowicz, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Construction of Features Ranking— Global Approach

Beata Zielosko, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Urszula Stańczyk, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Kamil Jabloński, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

Customer Churn Prediction by Rough Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier with CA Defuzzification

Magdalena Scherer, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
Robert Nowicki, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland

Design And Implementation Scheme of an Individual Game Support System Driven by High-Frequency Data

Andrzej M.J. Skulimowski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

Detecting Outliers in Context of Clustering Imbalanced Categorical Data

Weronika Łazarz, University of Silesia Katowice, Poland
Agnieszka Nowak-Brzezińska, University of Silesia Katowice, Poland

Developing a Corpus for Polish Speech Enhancement by Reducing Noise, Reverberation, and Disruptions

Mariusz Kleć, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Poland
Krzysztof Szklanny, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Poland
Alicja Wieczorkowska, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Poland

Developing a Low SNR Resistant, Text Independent Speaker Recognition System for Intercom Solutions - A Case Study

Szymon Zaporowski, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Franciszek Górski, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Józef Kotus, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Dual-Level Decision Tree-Based Model for Dispersed Data Classification

Małgorzata Przybyła-Kasperek, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Benjamin Agyare Addo, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Katarzyna Kusztal, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

Enhancing Personalized Travel Recommendations: Integrating User Behavior and Content Analysis

Karolina Selwon, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Julian Szymański, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Equal Criteria Influence Approach (ECIA): Balancing Criteria Impact in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

Bartosz Paradowski, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland
Bartłomiej Kizielewicz, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland
Wojciech Sałabun, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland

Fine-Tuned Transformers and Large Language Models for Entity Recognition in Complex Eligibility Criteria for Clinical Trials

Klaudia Kantor, Roche Poland, Poland
Mikolaj Morzy, Poznań University of Technology, Poland

Finger Vein Presentation Attack Detection Method Using a Hybridized Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Feature with Light-Gradient Boosting Machine Model

Kashif Shaheed, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Piotr Szczuko, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Inam Ullah, Shandong Jianzhhu University, China
Hammed Adeleye Mojeed, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Abdullateef Oluwagbemiga Balogun, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Luiz Fernando Capretz, Western University, Canada

Generation Of Synthetic Data for Behavioral Gait Biometrics

Aleksander Sawicki, Białystok University of Technology, Poland
Saaed Khalid, Universidad de la Costa, Colombia
Wojciech Walendziuk, Białystok University of Technology, Poland

Hedging Properties of Algorithmic Investment Strategies Using Long Short-Term Memory and Time Series Models for Equity Indices

Jakub Michańków, University of Warsaw, Poland
Paweł Sakowski, University of Warsaw, Poland
Robert Ślepaczuk, University of Warsaw, Poland

Image Processing for Improving Detection of Pollen Grains in Light Microscopy Images

Elzbieta Kubera, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
Alicja Wieczorkowska, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Poland
Agnieszka Kubik-Komar, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
Krystyna Piotrowska-Weryszko, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
Agata Konarska, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland

Improving The Evaluation of Defensive Player Values with Advanced Machine Learning Techniques

Michał Zaręba, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Tomasz Piłka, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Tomasz Górecki, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Bartłomiej Grzelak, Adam Mickiewicz University & KKS Lech Poznań, Poland
Krzysztof Dyczkowski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

Innovative Information System Approach for Robust Multi-Criteria Decision Making with Unknown Weights

Jakub Więckowski, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland
Wojciech Sałabun, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland

Innovative Sales Forecasting: Utilizing Fuzzy Neural Networks for Enhanced Sales Prediction

Marcin Bartkowiak, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Piotr Cyplik, Poznań University of Technology, Poland
Tomasz Górecki, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Adam Karolewski, Smartstock Sp. z o.o., Poland

Logic-Based Evaluation of Production Scheduling Rules Using Interpolative Boolean Algebra

Ognjen Anđelić, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Pavle Milošević, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Ivana Dragović, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Zoran Rakićević, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Mobilenet-V2 Enhanced Parkinson's Disease Prediction with Hybrid Data Integration

Sameer Ahmad Bhat, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Piotr Szczuko, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Multi-Model Deep Learning Framework for Thyroid Cancer Classification Using Ultrasound Imaging

Mariusz Rafało, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Agnieszka Żyłka, Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Poland

New Concept to Multi-Criteria Model Automatization - Machine Learning Based Approach

Jarosław Wątróbski, University of Szczecin, Poland
Aleksandra Bączkiewicz, University of Szczecin, Poland
Iga Rudawska, University of Szczecin, Poland

Nullnorms and Uninorms as Generators of Unions and Intersections Operations of Balanced Fuzzy Sets

Zofia Matusiewicz, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland
Paweł Drygaś, University of Rzeszów, Poland

On Reasoning About Black-Box Udfs by Classifying their Performance Characteristics

Michal Bodziony, IBM Software Lab Kraków, Poland
Bartosz Ciesielski, Poznań University of Technology, Poland
Anna Lehnhardt, Poznań University of Technology, Poland
Robert Wrembel, Poznań University of Technology, Poland

Polish Sign Language Gestures to Text Conversion Using Machine Learning

Łukasz Lemieszewski, The Jacob of Paradies University, Poland
Marek Nowak, PH03NIX Software, Poland
Jarosław Becker, The Jacob of Paradies University, Poland

Predicting Prices Of S&P 500 Index Using Classical Methods and Recurrent Neural Networks

Mateusz Kijewski, University of Warsaw, Poland
Robert Ślepaczuk, University of Warsaw, Poland
Maciej Wysocki, University of Warsaw, Poland

Reidentifying The Compromise Model in The Analytical Decision Process: Application of The SITW And S-TFN Approaches

Bartłomiej Kizielewicz, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland
Wojciech Sałabun, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland

Relative Relation in KNN Classification for Gene Expression Data. A Preliminary Study

Izabela Justyna Kartowicz-Stolarska, Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
Marcin Czajkowski, Białystok University of Technology, Poland

Sign Language Recognition Using Convolution Neural Networks

Jarosław Kobiela, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Dariusz Kobiela, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Adam Artemiuk, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

SIM Box Fraud Detection by Deep Learning System with ICA And Beta Divergence

Ryszard Szupiluk, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Mariusz Rafało, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

Success in Grant Funding: Towards a Method of Measuring Convergence of the Project Abstract to the Call

Sylwia Krzyżek-Liburska, Kraków University of Economics, Poland
Grażyna Paliwoda-Pękosz, Kraków University of Economics, Poland

Sun Magnetogram Hash for Fast Solar Image Retrieval

Rafal Grycuk, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
Rafal Scherer, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland

Symmetry Kernel for Graph Classification

Yannick Kuhar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Uroš Čibej, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Crowd as a Source of Knowledge - From User Feedback to Fulfilling Requirements

Anna Baj-Rogowska, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

The Impact of Foreign Accents on the Performance of Whisper Family Models Using Medical Speech in Polish

Szymon Zaporowski, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

The Influence of Loss Function on Oblique Survival Tree Induction

Malgorzata Kretowska, Białystok University of Technology, Poland
Marek Kretowski, Białystok University of Technology, Poland

The Reconstruction of Blowing Pressure in Pipe Organ Using Machine Learning

Damian Węgrzyn, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Poland
Piotr Wrzeciono, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
Alicja Wieczorkowska, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Poland

Voting Classifier using Discretisation in Aggregating Decisions

Urszula Stanczyk, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Beata Zielosko, University of Silesia, Poland
Grzegorz Baron, Silesian University of Technology, Poland