
In this paper, we present the results of a Rapid Review (RR) of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices that have been using in AAL solutions for elderly people. In that respect, our literature review is born from the need of delivering evidence to the stakeholders that are involved in the project in which this RR has been conducted. Nevertheless, the obtained results can be of interest to software engineers who want to know which IoT devices have been using in AAL solutions for elderly people to support decision-making in the development of these solutions. The findings of our RR emerge from 61 papers and can be summarized as follows: (i) a number of IoT devices are used in AAL solutions for elderly people; (ii) most IoT devices do not explicitly focus on specific diseases; and (iii) IoT devices support several needs.

Recommended Citation

Baldassarre, M. T., Caivano, D., Dimauro, G., Romano, S., & Scanniello, G. (2021). On Internet-of-Things Devices in Ambient Assisted Living Solutions. In E. Insfran, F. González, S. Abrahão, M. Fernández, C. Barry, H. Linger, M. Lang, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Crossing Boundaries between Development and Operations (DevOps) in Information Systems (ISD2021 Proceedings). Valencia, Spain: Universitat Politècnica de València.

Paper Type

Short Paper



On Internet-of-Things Devices in Ambient Assisted Living Solutions

In this paper, we present the results of a Rapid Review (RR) of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices that have been using in AAL solutions for elderly people. In that respect, our literature review is born from the need of delivering evidence to the stakeholders that are involved in the project in which this RR has been conducted. Nevertheless, the obtained results can be of interest to software engineers who want to know which IoT devices have been using in AAL solutions for elderly people to support decision-making in the development of these solutions. The findings of our RR emerge from 61 papers and can be summarized as follows: (i) a number of IoT devices are used in AAL solutions for elderly people; (ii) most IoT devices do not explicitly focus on specific diseases; and (iii) IoT devices support several needs.