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Data science is widely perceived as an attractive, lucrative, and prestigious emerging occupation. Research so far has focused on understanding data scientists’ practices and identity work associated with establishing and legitimizing this new occupation. This work, however, is not sufficient to explain a phenomenon we observed whereby professionals rejected the opportunity to adopt this new occupational identity. To understand why professionals may not want to be labeled data scientists, we analyzed 43 interviews with data professionals at an educational measurement company in the U.S. Despite a clear steer from management towards the data science label, many interviewees stuck to their established professional identities. In our preliminary findings, we use the literature on identity conflict as a lens to make sense of our observations. By identifying three types of conflicts: 1) task conflict, 2) role conflict, 3) tool conflict, we begin to explain what turns professionals away from data science.




Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

They Work with Data and Do Some Science: How Identity Conflict Turns Data Professionals away from Data Science

Data science is widely perceived as an attractive, lucrative, and prestigious emerging occupation. Research so far has focused on understanding data scientists’ practices and identity work associated with establishing and legitimizing this new occupation. This work, however, is not sufficient to explain a phenomenon we observed whereby professionals rejected the opportunity to adopt this new occupational identity. To understand why professionals may not want to be labeled data scientists, we analyzed 43 interviews with data professionals at an educational measurement company in the U.S. Despite a clear steer from management towards the data science label, many interviewees stuck to their established professional identities. In our preliminary findings, we use the literature on identity conflict as a lens to make sense of our observations. By identifying three types of conflicts: 1) task conflict, 2) role conflict, 3) tool conflict, we begin to explain what turns professionals away from data science.

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