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The idea that individuals can have a digital mindset has gained popularity against the backdrop of radical shifts toward digital transformation and the future of work. Despite the burgeoning scholarly interest across disciplines, efforts to conceptualize digital mindset remain fragmented so far. This paper starts a discourse about unresolved ontological assumptions and theoretical inconsistencies. We address the prevailing knowledge fragmentation by synthesizing three research streams on individuals’ affect, behaviors, and cognitions in the context of digital transformation and revealing their underlying commonalities. We propose that two beliefs jointly form the integrative foundation of individuals’ digital mindset: how individuals think about and perceive (a) digital technologies (as opportunity or threat) and (b) their own abilities (as malleable or fixed) in the context of digital transformation. Our theoretical synthesis lays the groundwork for future research to work toward an inter-nomological network and a more holistic understanding of individuals’ digital mindset.




Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

ReImagining Individuals’ Digital Mindset: Toward A Theoretical Synthesis

The idea that individuals can have a digital mindset has gained popularity against the backdrop of radical shifts toward digital transformation and the future of work. Despite the burgeoning scholarly interest across disciplines, efforts to conceptualize digital mindset remain fragmented so far. This paper starts a discourse about unresolved ontological assumptions and theoretical inconsistencies. We address the prevailing knowledge fragmentation by synthesizing three research streams on individuals’ affect, behaviors, and cognitions in the context of digital transformation and revealing their underlying commonalities. We propose that two beliefs jointly form the integrative foundation of individuals’ digital mindset: how individuals think about and perceive (a) digital technologies (as opportunity or threat) and (b) their own abilities (as malleable or fixed) in the context of digital transformation. Our theoretical synthesis lays the groundwork for future research to work toward an inter-nomological network and a more holistic understanding of individuals’ digital mindset.

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