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Complete Research Paper


Digitization expands into all labour market areas, including medicine and dentistry. Mixed reality head-mounted displays (MR HMDs) can be used in dental surgeries to project holograms onto patients or allow experts to join virtually. The application could reduce treatment errors and improve treatment outcomes. Despite the advantages, dentists have hardly used the technology so far, partly due to unclear insights into cost efficiency. We identify costs and benefits of investing in an MR HMD dentistry context based on a systematic literature review to address this issue. The findings are used to develop a cost-benefit framework and evaluated using the Visualisation of Financial Implications (VoFI) method for an exemplary scenario. This framework is the first to deal with a Cost-Benefit-Analysis of MR HMDs in dentistry explicitly and provides practical value as dentists can use it to estimate the costs and benefits of adopting MR HMDs.


Jun 14th, 12:00 AM

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Using Mixed Reality in Dentistry — Keeping the Dentist in the Picture

Digitization expands into all labour market areas, including medicine and dentistry. Mixed reality head-mounted displays (MR HMDs) can be used in dental surgeries to project holograms onto patients or allow experts to join virtually. The application could reduce treatment errors and improve treatment outcomes. Despite the advantages, dentists have hardly used the technology so far, partly due to unclear insights into cost efficiency. We identify costs and benefits of investing in an MR HMD dentistry context based on a systematic literature review to address this issue. The findings are used to develop a cost-benefit framework and evaluated using the Visualisation of Financial Implications (VoFI) method for an exemplary scenario. This framework is the first to deal with a Cost-Benefit-Analysis of MR HMDs in dentistry explicitly and provides practical value as dentists can use it to estimate the costs and benefits of adopting MR HMDs.

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