Ariana Polyviou, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus. Email:
Dov Te’eni, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Email:
Manuel Trenz, University of Göttingen, Germany. Email:
The new TREO is an inclusive melting pot for innovative ideas, bringing together new and established members of the community. The Technology Research, Education, and Opinion (TREO) Forum provides attendees with a platform to discuss, receive feedback, and advance their emerging ideas. To facilitate this, submissions are short, comprising a three-page extended abstract, and review cycles are rapid and inclusive.
The TREO Forum includes submissions to four different tracks:
1. Innovative and emerging ideas: Emerging ideas or creative research problems to develop further.
2. Inspiring opinions: Challenges to dominant views through opinion statements.
3. Educational disruptions: Disruptive ideas or innovations that challenge existing approaches to education.
4. Newcomers’ Incubator: This track welcomes newcomers and offers assistance for turning research ideas into publishable papers.
Submissions from 2024
A Cybersecurity Standards and Frameworks Knowledge Graph For The Education Of Sustainable Australian Smaller Businesses, Rosetta Romano and Blooma John
Adaptation and Effects of Cloud Computing on Financial Service Sectors, Ju-Chuan Kate Wu, Hsing Tsen Shih, Ssu Chia Cheng, Yuhsuan Hsu, and cheng-che Hsieh
Adding AI For Inclusion (Impact) To Inclusive AI, Tanita Martin and Alexander Richter
A Framework for Digital Open Strategic Autonomy: Perspectives from the NL and the Uk, Pauline Weritz
A Framework For Explainable Root Cause Analysis In Manufacturing Systems – Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Shopfloor Workers, Daniel Kiefer, Florian Grimm, Tim Straub, Günter Bitsch, and Clemens van Dinther
Algorithmic Clairvoyance As A Digital Offering, Dicle Berfin Köse and Leona Chandra Kruse
Ambidextrous Digital Transfromation – A Tale of A Digital Innovation Unit & Its Main Organization, Anika Schroder
An Ecosystem Approach to IoT Adoption In Agriculture: A Multiple-Case Study, Cevdet Bulut and Philip Fei Wu
Blockchain Adoption For Anti-Counterfeiting In Peer-To-Peer Luxury Resale, Harris Wu, Jessica Wu, and KATHY S. FOGEL
Bridging The Gap: Lifelong Learning From A Higher Education and Collaboration Perspective, Daniel Yar and Stefan Cronholm
Business Network Security and Risk Assessment, ehsan sheybani and Giti Javidi
Compartmentalization Vs Integration: Tensions Between Digital Security Innovations and Security Governance, Niki Panteli, Tonii Leach, and Lizzie Coles-Kemp
Conceptual Model of Collective Action Affordances of Social Media, Alexander Ronzhyn
Creating Successful Third-Party Developer Ecosystems Around B2B Digital Platforms, David Rochholz
Crossing Communication Boundary With Virtual Representations: A Bim Case Study, Jing Wang and Linhao Fang
Data Integration and Analysis For Smart Manufacturing Process Optimization, Adir Even, Ofir Azulay, and moshe cohen
Developing Techno-Resilient Cities: Balancing Technostress and Technorelief, Maylis Saigot, Pernille Ryden, and Omar El Sawy
Development of Cybersecurity Simulator- Based Platform for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures, Tero Vartiainen, Duong Dang, Mike Mekkanen, and Emmanuel Anti
Digital Interventions For Stroke Survivors: A Family Resilience Approach, Andrea Herrera, Juan E. Gómez-Morantes, Sonia Marcela Camacho, Mario Sanchez, Jaime Rodriguez, Carolina Paez, and Maria B. Sanchez
Digital Trace Data – “Wild Wild West” Practices & Ethics of Web Scraping, Nicolai Etienne Fabian, Edin Smailhodzic, and Abayomi Baiyere
Discerning Authorship: Distinguishing Student-Created Content from Generative AI Content Using Text Semantics, Roozmehr Safi
Does AI Explainability Meet End-Users' Requirements? Insights From A Supply Chain Management Case Study, Taoufik EL OUALIDI and Saïd Assar
Domain-Aware Credibility Assessment For Improved Fake News Detection On Twitter, Anju R and Nargis Pervin
Do You Trust Me? – Development of A Framework To Analyze The Role and Meaning of Trustworthiness of Avatars, Julia Bräker, Sofia Schöbel, and Martin Semmann
Elaborating On Is Implementation For Stakeholder Sustainability Reporting: A Multi-Stage Approach, Daphne M. Simmonds and Kenya Desulme
Enhancing Informal Learning Through Gamification On Digital Platforms: A Machine Learning Insight, Sumin Song and Ji Yae Bong
Evaluating The Social Impact Of Renewable Energy Communities: A Design Science Research Approach, Michele Cipriano, Francesco Virili, and Stefano Za
Examining The Factors Influencing Management Discretion On The Reporting Of Cybersecurity Incidents, Ahmad Jumah
Exploring The Impact Of Digital Humans On Customer Experience, Yang(Anna) Li, Mark Lycett, and Alexander Reppel
Exploring The Interplay Between Digital Divide, Health Resource Shortage, and Telehealth Utilization, Di Richard Shang, Cynthia Williams, Chris Baynard, AISHWARYA JOSHI, Joseph Pitisci, and Sillas Saldanha
Exploring The Shifting Role and Status of Collaborative Robots In Industrial Settings, Anna Lampi
First, Do No Harm: The Dangers Of Social Media Systems For Minors, Sherry L. Fowler
From IT Buzz to Startup Bucks: Foundations of Technological Hype Management, Giuliano Ciavarrella and Dennis M. Steininger
Generative AI In Medical Data Reliability Analysis: Limb At Risk Clinic Use Case, Liat Todris, Iris Reychav, Roger McHaney, Bernice Oberman, and Chen Speter
Generativity For Bad: Towards Generative Chains of Disinformation On Social Media, Christine Abdalla Mikhaeil and Roxana Ologeanu-Taddei
Guilty Until Proven Innocent?: The Effects Of Shadowbanning On Social Media User Perceptions, Mattie Bryant, Jason B. Thatcher, and Marten Risius
How Micro-Credentials Enable Skills Recognition In Education and Training: Challenges and Opportunities For Information Systems Scholars, Gregor Kipping, Michael Gau, and Jan vom Brocke
How Should We Theorise The ‘Data Economy’?: Establishing A Dialogue Between Disciplines, Georgia Meyer
How To Enhance Consumers’ Sustainability Activities: Sustainable, Smart Connected Cars, Daeeun Daniel Choi
Human-AI Collaboration In Group Creativity, Nimmi Luckheenarain, Wietske Van Osch, and Constantinos K. Coursaris
Humans In The Loop: Exploring The Role of Generative AI On Job Crafting In a Team Environment, Haiat Perozzo, Julia Eisenberg, and Aurelio Ravarini
Identifying Stakeholders Of Children’s Digital Maturity: Looking Beyond Digital Literacy, Vasiliki Koniakou, Nancy Pouloudi, Vasiliki Chronaki, and George Lekakos
Investigate Mobile Health Non-Adoption: A Case from Thailand, Victoria Paulsson, Björn Johansson, and Charkorn Tayapiwatana
Keep, Replace, Dispose? Managing It-Based Resources In Digital Mergers and Acquisitions, Lena Erber
Leadership Reconfigurations In Dynamic Global Virtual Teams, Petros Chamakiotis, Niki Panteli, and Eeli Saarinen
Let Them Build: Lessons From Introducing Hardware Programming and Implementing Service Learning In A Course Open To All Students, John Gallauger
LLMs and Legitimacy Through Deliberation: A Field Experiment, Laura Illia, Nicole Giorgi, Diana Ingenhoff, and Kiron Ravindran
Machine Learning To Predict Children's Digital Maturity, Aqib Siddiqui and Konstantina Valogianni
Modeling Customer Experiences In Business Lending Apps: An Integrative Approach Based On Text Analytics and FS-QCA, Sachin Kumar Sharma and Vigneswara Ilavarasan
Operational Risk In The Use of GenAI, Janice C. Sipior, Burke T. Ward, Danielle R. Lombardi, and Renata Gabryelczyk