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Short Paper


This ongoing research investigates the underutilization of digital therapeutics (DTx) in Germany with a focus on the formation of physicians’ prescription decision. Since 2019, the integration of DTx into the German healthcare system has been regulated by law, allowing physicians to prescribe these clinically evaluated software applications for improving patient health, which are then reimbursed by statutory health insurances. However, despite their potential for future healthcare delivery, prescription rates remain notably low. Recognizing physicians’ pivotal role as gatekeepers in integrating DTx into care processes, our study aims to understand the holistic picture of factors, actors, and processes involved in shaping the formation of physicians’ prescription decision. Through 24 interviews with German physicians from different disciplines and backgrounds, this work provides initial insights into the data and presents a preliminary model that can be used by key actors in the healthcare system to understand the prescription of DTx


Jun 14th, 12:00 AM

Unraveling the Formation of Physicians' Decisions to Prescribe Digital Therapeutics

This ongoing research investigates the underutilization of digital therapeutics (DTx) in Germany with a focus on the formation of physicians’ prescription decision. Since 2019, the integration of DTx into the German healthcare system has been regulated by law, allowing physicians to prescribe these clinically evaluated software applications for improving patient health, which are then reimbursed by statutory health insurances. However, despite their potential for future healthcare delivery, prescription rates remain notably low. Recognizing physicians’ pivotal role as gatekeepers in integrating DTx into care processes, our study aims to understand the holistic picture of factors, actors, and processes involved in shaping the formation of physicians’ prescription decision. Through 24 interviews with German physicians from different disciplines and backgrounds, this work provides initial insights into the data and presents a preliminary model that can be used by key actors in the healthcare system to understand the prescription of DTx

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