Paper Number


Paper Type

Short Paper


With the rise of cyber-attacks and incidents, cybersecurity has become a key concern for organizations in different contexts. Considering that these attacks mostly rely on exploiting human errors, educating employees about cyber threats, and training them on how to cope with this menace is critical for organizations. Despite substantial investments in security education and awareness training (SETA) programs and a wide variety of SETA methods and mediums proposed by practice, previous research shows that existing solutions remain ineffective to a large extent. To solve this issue, researchers have suggested using interactive and hands-on delivery methods such as educational games and simulations. In this paper, we propose that Virtual Reality can contribute as a new medium in this domain for developing interactive educational content. To that end, we aim to follow an Action Design Research approach to design and develop a SETA module using Virtual Reality capabilities.


Jun 14th, 12:00 AM

Security Education Training and Awareness (SETA) at the Edge of the Metaverse

With the rise of cyber-attacks and incidents, cybersecurity has become a key concern for organizations in different contexts. Considering that these attacks mostly rely on exploiting human errors, educating employees about cyber threats, and training them on how to cope with this menace is critical for organizations. Despite substantial investments in security education and awareness training (SETA) programs and a wide variety of SETA methods and mediums proposed by practice, previous research shows that existing solutions remain ineffective to a large extent. To solve this issue, researchers have suggested using interactive and hands-on delivery methods such as educational games and simulations. In this paper, we propose that Virtual Reality can contribute as a new medium in this domain for developing interactive educational content. To that end, we aim to follow an Action Design Research approach to design and develop a SETA module using Virtual Reality capabilities.

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