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Complete Research Paper


This study examines the impact of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) as an emerging technology on higher education (HE) institutions based on student perceptions. Built on a survey, the pre-frames of students towards integrating genAI in HE were assessed, as their fears and criticisms were compared with the risks of genAI described in the literature. Based on this foundation, we developed an explanatory model of influence streams to show the mapped results, highlighting various challenges, culminating in potential social division within HE institutions and scientific and cultural barriers. We also identified potential counter-actions in our data, specifically in the form of student demands, which we utilized to outline possible paths as a foundation for developing integration strategies by HE institutions. We contribute our findings to the ongoing debate about genAI in HE, highlighting the importance of involving students in shaping the future to enable a positive technological impact.


Jun 14th, 12:00 AM

Student Perspectives on Generative Artificial Intelligence: Exploring Pre-Framing and Risks in Higher Education

This study examines the impact of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) as an emerging technology on higher education (HE) institutions based on student perceptions. Built on a survey, the pre-frames of students towards integrating genAI in HE were assessed, as their fears and criticisms were compared with the risks of genAI described in the literature. Based on this foundation, we developed an explanatory model of influence streams to show the mapped results, highlighting various challenges, culminating in potential social division within HE institutions and scientific and cultural barriers. We also identified potential counter-actions in our data, specifically in the form of student demands, which we utilized to outline possible paths as a foundation for developing integration strategies by HE institutions. We contribute our findings to the ongoing debate about genAI in HE, highlighting the importance of involving students in shaping the future to enable a positive technological impact.

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