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Complete Research Paper


Research on digital transformation has primarily been concerned with change, paying scant attention to the role of stability. Prior studies tend to treat stability, often conceptualized as the absence of change, as an opposing force that represents a barrier to digital transformation. Stability, however, may also play a beneficial and even necessary role in such transformation. Hence, in this paper I explore the role that stability plays in digital transformation. More specifically, based on a qualitative meta-analysis of 25 articles, I examine stability as both an enabling mechanism as well as a desired outcome during digital transformation. In doing so, this study contributes to the information systems literature by foregrounding the beneficial role of stability. More broadly, I propose that the inherent duality between stability and change needs to be taken into account as a complementary perspective to properly understand, study, and govern the complexity of digital transformation.


Jun 14th, 12:00 AM

Embracing Stability in Times of Digital Transformation: Insights from a Qualitative Meta-Analysis

Research on digital transformation has primarily been concerned with change, paying scant attention to the role of stability. Prior studies tend to treat stability, often conceptualized as the absence of change, as an opposing force that represents a barrier to digital transformation. Stability, however, may also play a beneficial and even necessary role in such transformation. Hence, in this paper I explore the role that stability plays in digital transformation. More specifically, based on a qualitative meta-analysis of 25 articles, I examine stability as both an enabling mechanism as well as a desired outcome during digital transformation. In doing so, this study contributes to the information systems literature by foregrounding the beneficial role of stability. More broadly, I propose that the inherent duality between stability and change needs to be taken into account as a complementary perspective to properly understand, study, and govern the complexity of digital transformation.

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