Paper Number


Paper Type

Short Paper


Explainable AI (XAI) has received increased interest in research and practice, driven by social, ethical and legal pressure for AI techniques that are capable of making decisions explainable and understandable. However, the business-related impact of XAI is yet poorly understood in the Information System (IS) literature, pointing towards the usefulness of exploring XAI from an organizational perspective. This paper presents ongoing work trying to deepen the understanding of XAI from an organizational perspective trying to unpack both how XAI could be conceptualized within the IS-field as well as explore if and how XAI could bring strategic business value. The research-in-progress presents a preliminary theoretical approach to XAI and business value and utilizes examples from current literature to suggest three mechanisms XAI can contribute to business value. The current work will be enriched by a literature review and an in-depth case study to consolidate findings and elucidate mechanisms of XAI value-generation.


Jun 14th, 12:00 AM

Explainable AI (XAI) and Business Value — An Organizational Perspective

Explainable AI (XAI) has received increased interest in research and practice, driven by social, ethical and legal pressure for AI techniques that are capable of making decisions explainable and understandable. However, the business-related impact of XAI is yet poorly understood in the Information System (IS) literature, pointing towards the usefulness of exploring XAI from an organizational perspective. This paper presents ongoing work trying to deepen the understanding of XAI from an organizational perspective trying to unpack both how XAI could be conceptualized within the IS-field as well as explore if and how XAI could bring strategic business value. The research-in-progress presents a preliminary theoretical approach to XAI and business value and utilizes examples from current literature to suggest three mechanisms XAI can contribute to business value. The current work will be enriched by a literature review and an in-depth case study to consolidate findings and elucidate mechanisms of XAI value-generation.

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