Welcome from the 2014 ECIS Program Chairs
Welcome to ECIS 2014, the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems. The conference theme –“Digital Work, Digital Life”– reflects the increasing digitization of artifacts that is affecting all areas of our lives. The way we work, how we live and socialize, how the digital economy operates and how value is created are evolving continuously, driving future waves of digitalization. These are themes that many of the papers in the ECIS 2014 program explore and contribute to. As a hub of digital innovation, Tel Aviv is a perfect venue to host this conference.
For more information about the ECIS 2014 program, please click here.
Please use the following citation format for papers in the ECIS 2014 proceedings:
Authors, Year, "PaperTitle," Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 9-11, 2014, ISBN 978-0-9915567-0-0.

Michel Avital
Copenhagen Business School

Jan Marco Leimeister
Kassel University
University of St. Gallen

Ulrike Schultze
Southern Methodist University
Lund University
Browse the contents of ECIS 2014 Proceedings:
- 24 - Panels
- 23 - The Digital Public Sector
- 22 - Sustainably Digital
- 21 - Social Media Research and Analytics within and between Organizations
- 20 - Service Innovation, Engineering, and Management
- 19 - Research Methods and Philosophy
- 18 - IS Teaching Cases
- 17 - Openness and IT
- 16 - Mobile Life and Mobile Technologies
- 15 - IT Strategy and Governance
- 14 - IS Security and Privacy
- 13 - IT Project Management
- 12 - Human-Computer Interaction
- 11 - General IS Topics and Breakthrough Ideas
- 10 - Economics and Value of IS
- 09 - Digital Health Initiatives
- 08 - Decision Support and Big Data
- 07 - Designing Collaboration
- 06 - Business Process Management
- 05 - Business Model and Entrepreneurship Research in IS
- 04 - Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management
- 03 - Alternative Genres
- 02 - Advancing Theories and Theorizing in IS Research
- 01 - Digital Work, Digital Life (conference theme)