Educating Students in Healthcare Information Technology: IS Community Barriers, Challenges, and Paths Forward
Samir Chatterjee, Cynthia M. LeRouge, and Monica Chiarini Tremblay
Uncovering Research Opportunities in the Medical Informatics Field: A Quantitative Content Analysis
Fred K. Weigel, R. Kelly Rainer Jr., Benjamin T. Hazen, Casey G. Cegielski, and F. Nelson Ford
Effects of Prior Use, Intention, and Habit on IT Continuance Across Sporadic Use and Frequent Use Conditions
E. Vance Wilson and Nancy K. Lankton
Examining the Moderating Role of Gender in Arabian Workers’ Acceptance of Computer Technology
Han-fen Hu, Said S. Al-Gahtani, and Paul Jen-Hwa Hu
IT-enabled Interorganizational Information Sharing Under Co-opetition in Disasters: A Game-Theoretic Framework
Tina Wakolbinger, Frances Fabian, and William J. Kettinger
Understanding Member Use of Social Networking Sites: A Value Analysis
Rui Chen and Sushil K. Sharma
Social Media and Evolving Marketing Communication Using IT
Mario Recine, Janet Prichard, and Abhijit Chaudhury
IT Capabilities and Innovation Performance: The Mediating Role of Market Orientation
Yi Wang, Yang Chen, Saggi Nevo, Jiafei Jin, Guiyao Tang, and Wing Chow
An Academic Exchange Experience: Lessons Learned for Study Abroad Collaborations
Alanah Joy Davis Mitchell
Variations in Information Security Cultures across Professions: A Qualitative Study
Sriraman Ramachandran, Chino Rao, Tim Goles, and Gurpreet Dhillon
Charities and ICTs: Can IS-enabled Innovation in Business Critical Activities Be Delivered?
Eleanor Burt and J.A. Taylor
Leveraging Crowdsourcing for Organizational Value Co-Creation
Hua Ye and Atreyi Kankanhalli
Undergraduate Student Attitudes Toward MIS: Instrument Development and Changing Perceptions of the Field Across Gender and Time
John Benamati and T.M. Rajkumar
A Critical Analysis of Business Process Management Education and Alignment with Industry Demand: An Australian Perspective
Paul Mathiesen, Wasana Bandara, Olivera Marjanovic, and Houra Delavari
Be a Fulbright Scholar—Lessons and Experiences of AIS Fulbright Scholars
Albert L. Harris, J.P Allen, Mary Granger, Kate Kaiser, and Sidne Ward
Special Sections
Emerging Ideas and Topics in IS: Introduction to the Special Section
Fred Niederman and Don McCubbrey
IT Industry Analysts: A Review and Two Research Agendas
Jean-Gregoire Bernard and R. Brent Gallupe
Corporate Sponsorship of Academic Research: The Trend, Its Drivers, and Its Implications
Jeff Baker and James C. Wetherbe
Making Faces: Information Does Not Exist
Paul Beynon-Davies
Perspectives on Emergence in Information Systems Research
Dirk S. Hovorka and Matt Germonprez
A Glimpse into Policy Informatics: The Case of Participatory Platforms that Generate Synthetic Empathy
Rashmi Krishnamurthy, Akshay Bhagwatwar, Erik W. Johnston, and Kevin C. Desouza
Personal ICT Ensembles and Ubiquitous Information Systems Environments: Key Issues and Research Implications
Rens Scheepers and Catherine Middleton
Relational Model Bases: A Technical Approach to Real-time Business Intelligence and Decision Making
Elizabeth White Baker
Toward JUSTIS―A Research Program Aimed at Fostering Business Ethics by Empowering Stakeholders Through Information Systems
Adrian Holzer and Iris Junglas
Information Systems to Support “Door-step Banking”: Enabling Scalability of Microfinance to Serve More of the Poor at the Bottom of the Pyramid
Lakshmi Mohan, Devendra Potnis, and Steven Alter
A Theoretical Framework to Develop a Research Agenda for Information Systems Innovation
Gabriel J. Costello, Brian Donnellan, and Martin Curley
Panel Reports
Thirty Years and Counting: Do We Still Need the ICIS Women’s Breakfast?
Eleanor Loiacono, Cathy Urquhart, Cynthia Beath, Annemieke Craig, Jason Thatcher, Douglas R. Vogel, and Ilze Zigurs
Social Networking and Social Media in the United States, South Korea, and China
J.P. Shim, Sasha Dekleva, Aaron M. French, and Chengqi Guo
Green Information Systems: Directives for the IS Discipline
Jan vom Brocke, Richard T. Watson, Cathy Dwyer, Steve Elliot, and Nigel Melville