AMCIS Impact Awards
Top Article Downloads - AMCIS 2005 through AMCIS 2009
- Dwyer, Catherine; Hiltz, Starr Roxanne; and Passerini, Katia, Trust and Privacy Concern Within Social Networking Sites: A Comparison of Facebook and MySpace (2007).
- Al-Debi, Mutaz M.; El-Haddadeh, Ramzi; and Avison, David, Defining the Business Model in the New World of Digital Business (2008).
- Sledgianowski, Deb and Kulviwat, Songpol, Social Network Sites: Antecedents of User Adoption and Usage (2008)
- Brockmann, Carsten and Gronau, Norbert, Business Models of ERP System Providers (2009.
- Rosen, Peter A. and Kluemper, Donald H., The Impact of the Big Five Personality Traits on the Acceptance of Social Networking Website (2008).
- Wigand, Dianne, Building on Leavitt's Diamond Model of Organizations: The Organizational Interaction Diamond Model and the Impact of Information Technology on Structure, People, and Tasks (2007).
- Niemi, Eetu, Enterprise Architecture Stakeholders - a Holistic View (2007).
- Schumaker, Robert and Chen, Hsinchun, Textual Analysis of Stock Market Prediction Using Financial News Articles (2006).
- Wei, Cansheng and Li, Yongjian, Problems, Challenges, and Suggestions for Reverse Logistics of Publishing Industry in China (2007).
- Corritore, Cynthia L.; Marble, Robert P.; Wiedenbeck, Susan; Kracher, Beverly; and Chandran, Ashwin, Measuring Online Trust of Websites: Credibility, Perceived Ease of Use, and Risk (2005).
Top Article Downloads - AMCIS 2000 through AMCIS 2004
- Li, Na and Zhang, Ping, Consumer Online Shopping Attitudes and Behavior: An Assessment of Research (2002).
- Shang, Shari and Seddon, Peter B., A Comprehensive Framework for Classifying the Benefits of ERP Systems (2000).
- Mahapatra, Radha K. and Sarkar, Sumit, The Role of Information Technology in Knowledge Management (2000).
- Wang, Chingning; Zhang, Ping; Choi, Risook; and D'Eredita, Michael, Understanding Consumers Attitude Toward Advertising (2002).
- McKnight, D. Harrison and Chervany, Norman L., What is Trust? A Conceptual Analysis and an Interdisciplinary Model (2000).
- Stefanou, Constantinos J., The Selection Process of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems (2000).
- Madey, Gregory; Freeh, Vincent; and Tynan, Renee, The Open Source Software Development Phenomenon: An Analysis Based on Social Network Theory (2002).
- Murray, Meg and Coffin, George, A Case Study Analysis of Factors for Success in ERP System Implementations (2001).
- Pavlou, Paul, Integrating Trust in Electronic Commerce with the Technology Acceptance Model: Model Development and Validation (2001).
- Esteves, Jose and Pastor-Collado, Joan, Analysis of Critical Success Factors Relevance Along SAP Implementation Phase (2001).
Top Article Downloads Articles - AMCIS 1990s
- Scott, Judy The FoxMeyer Drugs' Bankruptcy: Was it a Failure of ERP? (1999).
- Stefanou, Constantinos Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Organizational Key Factors for Successful Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems (1999).
- Bahn, David and Paper, David, BPR vs. BPI: Contrasting Two Constructs (1998).
- van Slooten, Kees and Yap, Lidwien, Implementing ERP Information Systems using SAP (1999).
- Hubona, Geoffrey S. and Whisenand, Thomas G., External Variables and the Technology Acceptance Model (1995).
- Clemons, Christine, Successful Implementation of an Enterprise System: A Case Study (1998).
- Fung, Raymond and Lee, Matthew, EC-Trust (Trust in Electronic Commerce): Exploring the Antecedent Factors (1999).
- von Dran, Gisela; Zhang, Ping; and Small, Ruth, Quality Websites: An Application of the Kano Model to Website Design (1999).
- Lazar, Jonathan and Preece, Jenny, Classification Schema for Online Communities (1998).
- Ambrose, Paul and Johnson, Grace, A Trust Based Model of Buying Behavior in Electronic Retailing (1998).