Submissions from 2003
eTrucking: How New Technologies are Transforming the Trucking Industry
A Design Perspective on Networked Business Models: A Study of Distributed Generation in the Power Industry Sector, Hans Akkermans, Jaap Gordijn, and Vera Kartseva
A Secure Electronic Murabaha Transaction, Mansour Al-Meaither and Chris Mitchell
Teledermatology: The Case of Telemedicine Adoption and Success in New Zealand, Nabeel Al-Qirim
Transformation in the Pharmaceutical Industry ) Developing Customer Orientation at Pharma Corp, Rainer Alt
Factors Affecting Consumer Adoption Decisions and Intents in Mobile Commerce: Empirical Insights, Bill Anckar and Pirkko Walden
Fractional Institutional Endeavors and eProcurement in Local Government, Kim-Viborg Andersen, Niels-Christian Juul, Jimmy Pedersen, and Sara Korzen-Bohr
The Irish eHealth Sector, Fabian Armendariz
eBusiness Transformation Matrix, Colin Ash and Janice Burn
Colonising the Field ) Who,s Playing with Web-based Information Systems Development?, Chris Barry and Jeremy Brown
Linking eCommerce and Human Resource Strategies: A Case Study in a Large Australian Retail Bank, Yvette Blount, Tanya Castleman, and Paula Swatman
A Client-Side Business Model for Electronic Privacy, Peter Bodorik and Dawn Jutla
Knowledge Intermediation: New Business Models in the Digital Economy, Ettore Bolisani, Matteo Di Biagi, and Enrico Scarso
eCommerce B2C Research in Context: Policy Capturing, Channel Choice and Customer Value, Harry Bouwman and Lidwien van de Wijngaert
Real Time Wireless eCommerce for Agricultural and Forestry Operations, Per-Bjarne Bro, Narciso Cerpa, and Samuel Ortega-FarÃas
Exploring the WISP Industry - Swiss Case Study, Giovanni Camponovo, Mark Heitmann, Yves Pigneur, and Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva
Online Consumer Behavior: A Review and Agenda for Future Research, Gloria Chan, Christy Cheung, Timothy Kwong, Moez Limayem, and Lei Zhu
The Acceptance of Online Grocery Shopping, Ai-Wen Chien, Sherah Kurnia, and Falk von Westarp
Establishing eTrust through Humanized Website Design, Edward Cho, Khaled Hassanein, and Milena Head
Value Creation in eBusiness: Exploring the Impacts of Internet-Enabled Business Conduct, Gunnar Christensen and Leif Methlie
Authentication Re-visited: How Public Key Infrastructure Could Yet Prosper, Roger Clarke
Achieving Strategic Benefits from B2B eCommerce: A Multiple Case Study of the Australian Automobile Industry, Philip Collier, Stewart Leech, and George Tanewski
Satellite Ireland: An Investigation of the Outcomes from a Government Sponsored Broadband Trial, Fiona Conway and Murray Scott
Using the Service Encounter Model to Enhance Our Understanding of Business-To-Consumer Transactions in an eEnvironment, Kevin Crowston and Nelson Massad
eTransformation of the Silk Road: Rejuvenating a Historical Trade Network, Robert Davison, Joze Gricar, Roger Harris, Maddalena Sorrentino, and Douglas Vogel
Critical Success Factors for Stock Brokerage over the Internet: An Exploratory Study in the Brazilian Market under the Perspective of the Investor, Allan de Campos Costa and Luiz Joia
Underpinning the eBusiness Framework - Defining eBusiness Concepts and Classifying eBusiness Indicators, Xander de Graaf and Robin Muurling
Network Formation for Provision of Mobile Information and Entertainment Services, Uta de Montalvo, Carleen Maitland, and Elisabeth van de Kar
Trust Generation through Extralegal Mechanisms: Reputation as a Valued Asset in eMarkets, Matteo Di Biagi
Reconsidering the Challenges of mPayments: A Roadmap to Plotting the Potential of the Future mCommerce Market, Melissa Ding and J. Felix Hampe
Internet Strategies for Established Retailers: Five Case Studies from New Zealand, Bill Doolin, Robert McQueen, and Mark Watton
Does B2B Data Exchange Tap the Full Potential of XML Schema Languages?, Frank-Dieter Dorloff, Joerg Leukel, and Volker Schmitz
Economic and Social Analysis of the Adoption of B2B Electronic Marketplaces: A Case Study in the Australian Beef Industry, Caroline Driedonks, Shirley Gregor, and Arjen Wassenaar
The Implications of the Local Configuration of a Standard eProcurement System on the Organisation Power Circuits, Amany Elbanna
Possible Disintermediation: What Role for Banks in Electronic Invoicing (EIPP)?, Alea Fairchild
Interorganisational Information Sharing and The Use of Decision Aids in Category Management, Frans Feldberg and Hans van der Heijden
Impact of eBusiness Supply Chain Technology on Inter-organisational Relationships: Stories from the Front Line, Steven Fleck and Belen Icasati-Johanson
The Paradox of the Mobile Internet: Acceptance of Gadgets and Rejection of Innovations, Ann Fogelgren-Pedersen, Christian Jelbo, and Kim Viborg Andersen
A Design Methodology for Trust and Value Exchanges in Business Models, Jaap Gordijn
Puzzles and Perspectives in Electronic Market Theory ) Reflections on Adoption of a B2B Electronic Market in the Australian Beef Cattle Industry ), Shirley Gregor and Arjen Wassenaar
Collaborative Product Representation for Emergent Electronic Marketplace, Jingzhi Guo and Chengzheng Sun
The Price of Convenience: Developing a Framework for Analysing Privacy Sensitivity in the Adoption of Wireless Applications, J. Felix Hampe, Grace Ng-Kruelle, Douglas Rebne, and Paul Swatman
Web Supported Competency Based Approach to Learning about eCommerce, I. Hawryszkiewycz
Business Models for Peer to Peer Initiatives, Junseok Hwang and Ian MacInnes
An Architecture for Decision Support on Portfolio Design, Peter Jacobs
Preferring Offline Bookings: An Empirical Study of Channel Choice Motives of Online Information Seekers, Jonna Jaevelaeinen
TRiTAM: A Model for Integrating Trust and Risk Perceptions in Business-to-Consumer Electronic Commerce, Rodger Jamieson and Hung Lui
The Board View of Electronic Business Risk, Ernest Jordan and David Musson
Business Process Orchestration and eBusiness, Matja Juric, Maja Pulnik, Ivan Rozman, and Boltjan Lumak
User Representation in eCommerce and Collaboration Applications, Michael Koch and Kathrin Moeslein
Information and Communications Technology in Croatia: Hope Carrier for More Growth?, Michael Koenig, Andrijana Mandaric, and Dubravko Radic
Visualisation of Complex Business Data: A Neural Network Approach, Eija Koskivaara
Internet Groupware Systems for Project Management: Experiences from a Longitudinal Study, Uwe Leimstoll, Nicholas C. Romano Jr., and Petra Schubert
Understanding the Important Issues of Concern in the Adoption of an ASP Application Model, Des McAuley and David Sammon
Government Promotion of eCommerce through Seed Funding: A Review of the Australian Government,s ITOL Program, Michael McGrath and Elizabeth More
Usefulness and Self-Expressiveness: Extending TAM to Explain the Adoption of a Mobile Parking Service, Herbjrrn Nysveen and Per Pedersen
eOperational Model: Correlating x-Service Provision to the IT/IS Function for Innovation and Alignment, Bob O'Keefe, Philip Seltsikas, and Christina Silveira
Modelling Customer Relationships in eBusiness Illustrated through the Mobile Industry, Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur
A Framework for Understanding and Analysing eBusiness Models, Adamantia Pateli
Institutional Trust Related EDI Lessons for eMarketplaces, Pauline Ratnasingam and Yao-Hua Tan
eTransformation in Supply Chain Perspective, Marc Reunis and Sicco Santema
Customization as a Business Model for Online Newspapers, Markku Saeaeksjaervi, M. Wagner, and Teemu Santonen
Developing and Implementing eAssessment Strategies in Virtual Learning Environments, Marianna Sigala
The Role and Significance of the Electronic Market Maker, Rosemary Stockdale and Brynjulf Tellefsen
Uses and Attitudes of Young People toward Technology and Mobile Telephony, Josep Valor and Sandra Sieber
Business Model Formation within the Online News Market: The Core + Complement Business Model Framework, Kornelia van der Beek, Cornelia Krueger, and Paula Swatman
Mobile Services for Group Decision Support, Hans van der Heijden and Jerry van Leeuwen
Conceptual Modeling of Business Networks and Business Strategies, Robert Winter
Mobile Banking and Brokerage Systems ) Managing IS Risks in the Beginning 21st Century, Elke Wolf
Postponement Strategies for Mobile Application Development ) A Framework, Sze Ling Yuen