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Monday, January 17th
12:00 AM

Advanced Auditing of Run-Time Conflicts in Declarative Process Models using Time Series Clustering

Carl Corea, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Rana Mansour, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Patrick Delfmann, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany

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Exploring the Abstraction Levels of Design Principles: The Case of Chatbots

Hendrik Wache, Chemnitz University of Technology, Business Information Systems – Business Process and Information Management, Chemnitz, Germany
Frederik Möller, TU Dortmund University, Chair for Industrial Information Management, Dortmund, Germany;Fraunhofer ISST, Dortmund, Germany
Thorsten Schoormann, University of Hildesheim, Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems, Hildesheim, Germany
Gero Strobel, University Duisburg-Essen, Research Group for Business Informatics and Software Engineering, Essen, Germany
Dimitri Petrik, Graduate School of Excellence Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME), Stuttgart, Germany

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Vertrauenswürdiger Datenaustausch in Ökosystemen – Entwicklung eines Metamodells zur Trennung von Daten und Kontext

Maximilian Werling, Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institut, Germany
Jens Lachenmaier, Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institut, Germany
Sebastian Renken, Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institut, Germany
Heiner Lasi, Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institut, Germany

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