
The private use of the Internet via desktop and smartphones during working time, also known as cyberloafing, has become a common practice at many workplaces. While critical voices expect performance losses through such behavior, their opponents perceive of the interruptions created by cyberloafing as an opportunity to recover and continue working with increased productivity afterwards. Given the growing body of research on Internet-related employees’ opportunism, this paper presents a systematic literature review of 69 studies to identify the factors behind cyberloafing. The classification includes personality traits as well as antecedents related to the job, organization and personal life. The paper concludes with a clear picture of the kind of circumstances which tend to increase cyberloafing and which factors statistically do not seem to have any impact on the abuse of Internet during working time.


Feb 28th, 8:00 AM

Antecedents for Cyberloafing – A Literature Review

The private use of the Internet via desktop and smartphones during working time, also known as cyberloafing, has become a common practice at many workplaces. While critical voices expect performance losses through such behavior, their opponents perceive of the interruptions created by cyberloafing as an opportunity to recover and continue working with increased productivity afterwards. Given the growing body of research on Internet-related employees’ opportunism, this paper presents a systematic literature review of 69 studies to identify the factors behind cyberloafing. The classification includes personality traits as well as antecedents related to the job, organization and personal life. The paper concludes with a clear picture of the kind of circumstances which tend to increase cyberloafing and which factors statistically do not seem to have any impact on the abuse of Internet during working time.


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