AIS Transactions on Replication Research
How Did COVID 19 Impact Techno stressors, Literacy Facilitation, Burnout, and Turnover Intention? An Exact Replication
Christopher B. Califf and Stoney Brooks
Did I Buy the Right Gadget? A Methodological Replication Study
Paul A. Weisgarber, Joseph S. Valacich, and Jeffrey L. Jenkins
Utilization of E-Government Services: A Replication
Hanh Hoang Le, Craig Van Slyke, Kevin L. Elder, and Joseph Mansour
The Role of Penalties, Pressures and Perceived Effectiveness: A Replication Study of Generation Z's Information Security Behaviors
Joti Kaur, Alisha Madhuvarshi, Kane J. Smith, Simran Dhillon, and Gurpreet Dhillon
Time Flies When You Are Having Fun: Cognitive Absorption and Beliefs about ChatGPT Usage
Vagner Almeida Lima, Valter Bellei, Lucas Felipe Ballesteros Martins, and Marco Alexandre Terlizzi
A Replication Study on Users’ Congruence with Piracy Deterrence Messages
Kyungmyung Jang, Alaa Nehme, and Merrill Warkentin
A Conjoint Approach to Understanding Software as a Service (SaaS) Adoption Decisions: A Replication Study
Andrew Schwarz, Rudy Hirschheim, Harsh Parekh, and H. Kevin Fulk