
Many countries, both developed and developing, are grappling with an aging population. In the United States, approximately 55.8 million people are aged over 60, constituting 16.8% of the total population, and this demographic is expected to grow further. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated challenges faced by older adults, particularly due to increased social and physical isolation, prompting many to turn to digital technologies for activities such as online shopping, banking, socializing, and telemedicine. Moreover, 95% of older adults have at least one chronic condition, and nearly 80% have two or more (National Council on Aging, 2021). However, there is limited research on how the elderly use digital technology for chronic health management at home. Schroeder et al. (2023) conducted a mapping review of nine databases up to November 2022, which highlighted limited research on the factors influencing older adults' adoption of digital technologies. Among the 59 articles they identified, the majority did not utilize existing models or frameworks for technology acceptance. Only four studies employed the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), which is widely applied in information systems research (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Among these four studies, two used small samples of around 20 participants, while the other two had large samples, each with over 200 participants. One focused on technology use for aging in the workplace in Turkey, and the other examined the intention of older adults in the Netherlands to adopt medical apps. In our study, we used the UTAUT framework to explore the acceptance of digital technology for chronic health management among U.S. seniors aged 60 and above. Our survey of 654 individuals revealed that both performance expectancy and facilitating conditions constructs of UTAUT framework significantly influence their intention to adopt digital technologies for managing chronic diseases. Further research is warranted to analyze the data collected while incorporating moderating variables such as gender, age, education, and experience, and to validate these findings across diverse populations. We believe our study will contribute to both information systems and aging-related fields.

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